You are here: Revised Permission Definitions
Revised Permission Definitions
For review, revised permission definitions for the following modules:
- ABN Insurance Module [ABN_Ins]
- Advance Search Module [Adv_Srch]
- Batch Processing Module [Batch_Proc]
- Blind Duplicate Module [Blind_Dup]
- Container Management Module [Contr_Mgmnt]
Using this standard
Permission | Description |
TEMPLATE for Description |
Description of action that the permission creates. Generally lead with an action verb. Additional explanation as necessary, including when and where the action occurs. Include subsequent actions required by user. |
insaddressinvisible |
Remove insurance address field from the patient demographic screen. |
bpsearchfinal |
Allow search for batches by final destination location on the batch processing screen. The final location field will be turned on so a location can be typed. |
bpdeletebatch | Display and enable the Delete Batch List button on the batch processing screen. |