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Screen Controls

The application uses several types of screen controls. The most common are as follows:

  • Buttons
    • Click with the left mouse button to activate, or use the Hot Key assigned to it.
  • Spread Sheets
    • Several screens support spreadsheets that display row and columns of information.
    • Some of these allow the User to sort by column by pressing on the heading.
    • Some allow the User to edit fields in a column.
    • A row generally can be highlighted by clicking on it and un-highlighted by pressing the space bar when highlighted.
  • Drop Down (combo box) Fields
    • Allow the User to fill a field by using the arrow on the right hand button to pick from a selection.
    • Typically they show many fields but select only using one.
    • Some support hover over to display additional information such as the coded element of a description.
  • Entry Fields
    • Allow the User to enter information.
    • Yellow fields are mandatory.
    • Blue fields are important entry points.
    • The TAB key is used to navigate between fields.
    • Hot keys assigned to fields may also be used to access them.
    • The Mouse may be used to click the cursor in a field.
    • Semicolon is override entry for some mandatory fields so process is not stopped when information is missing. The value is not stored.
  • Mask Controls
    • Allow the User to format the entry for a field.