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The system will add a second space after each test name in an ABN form D section following the comma.
The system will make the ABN Date a mandatory/required field on the order screen.
The system will default a NS condition on ABN signature if a test fails an ABN check in the order screen.
The system will not default the ABN date when a User enters or changes the collection date/time.
The system will add a text message in the H section of the ABN warning the patient to call their doctor if they pick option 3.
The system will allow for both diagnosis and frequency failures on a single test when frequency ABN rules are applied.
System will turn off the charges field in the ABN form so no charges can print.
The system will remove the total line summarizing the total cost from the Medicare ABN form.
Allows User to print ABN by activating ABN button in the order screen.
System will use the accession value instead of the insurance policy number in the Medicare ABN form.
The system will use the account number instead of the policy number on the ABN form, if the User prints an ABN from the order screen and an account number exists.
The system will use the patient MRN to fill the ID field on the ABN form.
The system will format ABN forms to create a two page format, where the second page is a limited addendum to the first. Option information will only appear on the first page.
The system will use the Req Id field value from the order screen for the ABN form ID field if available.
The system will highlight the account number field in the order screen to a blue color to remind the User to make an entry. The field will not be required.
The system will mandate the entry of an account number in the order screen and turn the field to the yellow required color.
See Accession Level Acct # field on Order Screen.
Allows display and editing of client patient id field in the order screen.
Allows deletion of any accession.
Allow deletion of accessions up to the point of receipt. Will not allow deletion of received accessions.
Allows deletion of accessions created today only.
The system will load the diagnosis codes from all tests in an accession in the diagnosis list when the accession is reloaded after saving.
The system will override the account logic setting and force a blank account number in an order to be a unique number based on patient, ordering provider and collection date.
The system will check for external episodes when the User drops down the Client Visits (CV) drop down field in the order screen.
The system will show the Hub Maintenance button in the accession history screen, to allow launching of the CSTools SLM module screen.
The system will display a drop down in the accession history screen that allows for label printing.
See Accession Level Lab Acc field on Order Screen.
Allows creation of new accessions and orders.
Save New Accession Referral Numbers.
See Accession Level Req ID field on Order Screen.
Allows User to store accession information on any accessions.
Allows User to store accession information on accessions created today only. Should not be used at same time as accsaveany.
Allows access to review and create accessions and orders.
System will always branch to the demographic screen after a selection in the Advanced Search Screen triggered by the barcode Icon in the Toolbar.
System will jump to the order chosen in the advanced search screen when the exit button on the demographics screen is pressed.
System will check to see if MRN is present in the accession search screen from the barcode tool bar icon. If not it will inform the User and continue with the pt demographics screen.
Allows accession verification for any accession.
Allows User to verify accession information created today only.
Allow User to activate expired orders after warning message.
Add New Insurance Plans. Primarily for lab use to add new ins using + button in pt demographics screen
Add New Insurance Addresses. Allows the addition of a new insurance address in the demographic screen
Allow addition of miscellaneous insurance in patient demographics screen using + add button for client use
Add the name of a miscellaneous ordering physician on the order screen comment field.
Allows addition of New Physicians by pressing the + button next to the ordering physician in the order screen.
System will add the priority code to each test in the container label test list and aliquot label test list.
Turns on the button to add miscellaneous physician info next to the ordering physician field in the order screen.
The system will check to see if the test being added to a container manually in the container management screen is valid for the container code. If not it will not allow addition.
The system will Null the test receipt fields in the order screen when a User changes the perflabcode, for a test, if the performing lab does not equal the User perf lab or if the perf lab value is blank. Otherwise it will auto receive the test.
The system will turn on the logic of AFR form assignment in the order screen. AFR forms can be printed using the ABN button on the order screen. AFR logic applies to insurance Bill To.
The system will assign the requirement of printing an AFR form if the 'bill to' is patient. The system will require the User to print a form if it was not printed before. Requires permission afrlogicon.
Make aka name field invisible in patient demographic screen
Disable editing of insurance fields in patient reg screen
Turn off display of all insurance related fields in patient reg screen
Allow the system to add tests defined in the FO_Tests table under the automatically added tests field. Will check for duplicate tests and do bundling.
The system will allow the store of an invalid insurance code not found in the fo_ins table in the patient demographics screen when the save button is pressed.
Disable editing of ALTPtID field in patient reg screen
Turn off display of the ALTPtID field in patient reg screen.
The system will turn on the ASAP order level priority radio button in the order screen.
The system will ask the User if the collection date and time at the test level in the order screen should be updated when the User changes the order level collection date/time. Rule executes when date/time fields are exited.
System will create a LabAcc LIS accession number according to maintenance rules. This will be done when the system adds the container id to the test in the fo_accessions table.
Allow the system to assign intended performing lab exceptions by primary insurance and client id and test code.
The system will auto calculate the performing lab for each test when an order for the CDC /TDC interface is first loaded. This rule is effective on the client driven order screen.
Auto fill the Pt Client Id field in the order screen if an MPI id exists for this patient. The MPI id is dependent on the User setting for qualifier and qualifier type.
System will auto generate containers and print container labels when the User presses the exit button on the order screen.
System will auto generate a requisition id based on the counter field (identity) of the FO_Generate_ReqID table. This will only be done when a new accession is created.
The system will auto generate a requisition id for Client Data Concentrator orders when the order is first opened in the orders screen and the req id is blank.
Allows the system to auto order the test code assigned in the FO_LabInfo table to be used when a 'copyto' physician is entered. The system checks the first 'copyto' field to see if it is filled.
System will order a test code as entered in the lab info table for fasting orders. The test code will be ordered automatically in the order screen while a User is ordering tests.
System will print the batches created after the Create Batch button in the batch processing screen is pressed.
System will automatically print container labels when the User presses exit at the Container (Tube) screen.
The system will warn the User that the order has conflicts if any, but then proceed to auto resolve them. This rule is effective on the client driven order screen.
System will automatically update the patient name, gender, and DOB in the guarantor and insurance fields if the relationship is set to SELF. This will occur in the patient demographic screen when the save button is clicked.
The system will automatically update the test level collection date and time with value entered in the order level collection date and time. Rule executes when the date/time fields are exited or when a User presses the Tubes or Verify buttons.
Stamps the patient verification date/time/User fields when a primary insurance with an autoverify flag is picked. Action taken at the time the patient is saved.
The system will automatically stamp a patient as verified each time the save button is clicked in the demographic screen. This will cause all patients to qualify for the billing interface to transmit as long as there is an order with a lisordx value.
The system will automatically stamp a patient as verified each time the save button is clicked in the demographic screen and the User confirms the verification prompt. This will cause all patients to qualify for the billing interface to transmit.
System will allow the User to access the Batch Processing module by presenting a tool bar icon.
System allows access to Blind Verification Screen and related functionality.
The system will remove the values of the receipt date time and tech fields in the order list (accessions table) of an order if the User changes the performing lab code field value for a test.
The system will warn the User that the account number used in the order screen has been used on a different patient and then clear it so it can be re-entered. Rule fires on exit from Acct field on order screen.
The system will block the editing of the client pt id field in the order screen of the order came from the CDC and the client pt id was filled. The field will be un-blocked if the User deletes the client id.
The system will block the User's ability to change the client code after CIDs have been assigned. This rule is effective on the client driven order screen.
The system will not allow editing of the container code and type fields in the order screen in the test list grid.
The system will not allow editing of the container code and type fields in the container management screen.
The system will block the User edit ability in the container management screen (tubes) for the performing lab code field. Even if the (containermgmtedit) permission is used.
The system will block the User from changing the priority at test level if a CID has already been assigned to the test, a warning is produced and User is blocked. Rule applies to the Client Driven Order Screen.
The system will block the User's ability to change the provider code after CIDs have been assigned. This rule is effective on the client driven order screen.
The system will not automatically make the fo_accessions. IFFillerId field equal to the OBR filler on the external data table when repairing a CDC order when the order is opened for processing.
The system will block the test level collection date time and tech fields from User edits in the test list, on the order screen.
The system will block the test level receive date and time and tech code fields from User edits in the order screen test list.
The System will not allow the User to add a CID to a batch that has the closed date valued.
The system will prevent the User from adding a CID to a batch that is for a different Perf Lab Code.
The system will hide the AlqContainerCode field in the container list on the batch processing screen.
System will allow the User to override the default batch description string in the Batch Processing Module. This will enable a prompt after the Batch Create button is pressed.
System will enable a prompt to ask the User to confirm the batch location during batch creation in the Batch Processing Module.
System will ask User to confirm the receipt date in the batch processing screen when the Receive In LIS button is pressed.
System will ask User to confirm the User name and User LIS code in the batch processing screen when the Receive In LIS button is pressed.
The system will prevent a User from receiving batch items in the batch processing screen to the LIS if the Receipt Performing Lab code does not match the performing lab code assigned to the batch.
The system will check each CID at the time a batch is created to make sure that they are not assigned to another batch ID and not yet received. If so, the User will be prompted and prevented from creating a batch.
The system will close a batch id when all specimens are received in LIS. Rule executed at the end of a receipt to LIS process in the batch processing screen.
The system will hide the ContainerType field on the container list in the batch processing screen.
The system will default the search type in the batch processing screen to Accession so when a User scans or type is an item a FP Accession search will be done.
The system will default the search type in the batch processing screen to Container ID so when a User scans or type is an item a CID search will be done.
The system will default the search type in the batch processing screen to Lab Acc so when a User scans or type is an item a search by Lab Accession will be done.
System will allow the User to delete batch items or the complete batch after the batch has been closed (received in the LIS).
System will allow batch item or complete batch deletion after a patch has a pickup date assigned in the batch processing screen.
System will allow the deletion of all items in a batch by enabling the Delete Batch List button in the batch processing screen.
System will allow batch item deletion by enabling the Delete Selected Items button in the batch processing screen.
The system will make the Dispatch Batch button visible in the batch processing screen.
System will NOT allow the User to add containers to an existing Batch of container items in the batch processing screen.
System will NOT allow the User to add containers to a TEMPLIST of container items in the batch processing screen.
System will NOT automatically print batch labels when the User presses the Receive In LIS button in the batch processing screen.
System will NOT transmit XR receipt transactions to the LIS when the 'Receive to LIS' Button is pressed in the batch processing screen but will update the date in the database.
The system will make the Add Batch IDs To Group button visible in the Batch Dispatch screen.
The system will make the delete dispatch group button visible in the Batch Dispatch screen.
The system will make the Make New Dispatch Group button visible in the Batch Dispatch screen.
The system will make The Remove Batch Id From Group button visible in the Batch Dispatch screen.
System will allow the User to edit the batch location b=value in the batch processing screen. Without this permission the system will only allow the User to drop down and pick items from this field.
The system will prevent the User from closing a batch if there are unreceived CIDs in the batch id. Rule executed when a User is adding a close date in the batch screen.
The system will make the patient level demographic fields in the batch list report visible.
The system in the Batch Processing screen will prevent the User from adding a Container ID to a batch or temp List if that CID is in another batch not yet closed.
System will NOT display the all batches check box in the batch processing screen.
System will NOT display the date prompt so the User can change the date for batch searching in the batch processing screen.
System will NOT allow the User to create new batches by removing the Create Batch button in the batch processing screen.
System will NOT display the Search button in the batch processing screen.
System will allow searching for batches by final destination location in the batch processing screen. The final location field will be turned on so a location can be typed.
System will enable the send order to LIS button on the batch processing screen.
The system will send the order to the LIS if one has not been already sent, upon receipt of a batch container.
The system will make the Track Specimen button visible in the batch processing screen.
The system will trigger an SC message to be sent out the CDC outbound interface when a batch is created.
The System will warn the User when adding a CID to a batch that has a closed date value (batch is closed). Then allow the User to add the CID if Yes is pressed.
The system will warn the User of a Container ID in a batch that has not yet been closed by presenting a string composed of the batch id the location, User and date. The system will then ask the User if the entry should be accepted.
The system will check each CID at the time of batch creation to see if it exists in a closed batch already and warn the User. Executed during batch creation in the batch processing screen.
System will automatically export the order upon successful (Accepted) blind verification of an accession in the Blind Verification Module Screen.
System will turn on the Export To LIS button in the Blind Verification Module screen. This will allow the User to send the order to the LIS upon acceptance.
The system will not flag an ABN failure as a required condition to print an ABN form in the order task list. The User may exit the order.
Allow display of callback code and entry into field by User in the Call Fax window during an order.
System will not allow Test cancellation if the test has been queued to be sent to the LIS Host. This is in effect on the test cancellation screen in the order process.
System will make the 4th physician copy to field in the order screen invisible.
The system will blank the collection date time when a CDC order is opened for the first time in the client driven order screen. This rule may block auto test adjudication if test conflicts occur in an electronic order.
The system will use the lab info field CDCOrderEvalHours to evaluate the collection date/time of a CDC order. If the order is older than the value it will blank collect date.
The system will override the client driven screen lab info setting if set to TRUE. In affect it will cause the User to see the original order screen.
The system will not assign the phone/fax number from the contact list entry chosen when a User presses the call or fax number in the old call fax specifics screen.
The system will check to see if the MPI qualifier assigned to an existing order should stop the User from editing of the patient location field in the order screen.
System will check to see if the client id has changed in an order from when order last saved and attempt to re-identify the performing lab.
Turns on auto checking of req id based duplicates when the req id field is exited on the order screen.
Allows checking for duplicate test codes ordered for the same patient for this accession numbers collection day.
The system will indicate to the User that there is no insurance and branch to the demographics screen when the patient search Order History button is pressed
The system will turn the client pt id field on the order screen to yellow to indicate that this is a required field if the fo_mpi_qualifier table field RequiresClientPtId is valued to True.
The system will check if the MPI qualifier assigned to the client pt id on the order screen requires a CV and warn the User. Rule executed when verify order button is pressed.
The system will check the ordering physician for external orders to see if active the first time an external order is opened in the order screen.
The system will bypass all other permissions and always check and calculate performing lab at the time of order entry and single specimen receipt. The system will bypass the insurance client's settings and will assume |ALL|.
System will make the patient check id drop down field in the order screen mandatory.
System will turn on a drop down box on the order screen to record if a patients ID was checked at order entry.
The system will check if the MRN is missing and prevent the User from verifying an order at the order screen.
The system will bypass container management tasks when creating an order. The User will be allowed to exit an order without creating a performing lab code and any CIDs. The User should be blocked from the Tubes screen with a different permission.
The system will show the Delete button on the Census and Order Collection List screens.
The system will show the Edit button on the Census Screen.
Assign any client as patient responsible party in the patient demographic screen
Allow display of the client and ordering provider search boxes in the SO Order Tool screen.
Make the CLIENT PT ID field on the patient demographic screen invisible. This is the field that collects a patient id by entrygroupcode.
Make the client pt id field on order screen a mandatory or required field.
The system will change the background color of the client field in the order screen to yellow and make that field a required entry field.
See Client combo box on Order Screen.
Detects mismatched User Location and client entries. The system will try to match the User location with the ClientUserLocGroup contents and apply the message described in the ClientUserLoc table. Works when you exit the order screen.
System will display the client visit number field in the order screen.
The system will allow for the creation of multiple patient collect location entries with the same location type code in the census and order collection screens.
The system will preserve the existing location code in the order when the User uses the client button to change the order client in the client driven order screen.
The system will preserve the existing provider code in the order when the User uses the client button to change the order client in the client driven order screen.
System will close the report viewer screen after the User prints a report with the Print or Print To Default toolbar buttons.
Allow the entry of orders not originally present in FP system in CLVS screen. This means the User can enter any accession number and it will not be validated.
The system will apply the logic necessary to create dedicated containers in the container management screen and prevent Users from adding tests to them.
The system will block cancel tests from creating CIDs or being part of them by assigning them to the NO LABEL test label group.
The system will show only the containers common to all the tests in a CID when a User drops down the container field in the container management screen.
The system will hide the storage field in the container management screen so the User may not see it.
The system will use the Client Code as the common test list code on the common list screen.
The system will show the add tests to my list button on the common test list screen after a User performs a test search.
The system will use the Username value as the CommonTestListCode value if one is not provided in the Users table, to allow the display of common tests.
The system will use the label group code assigned to a CID as part of the search when the User drops down the container code field in the container management screen, to limit the items displayed.
The system will allow the User to edit the workload field in the container management screen.
The system will hide the workload field in the container management screen so the User may not see it.
The system will make the collected by lab field in the order screen a required field.
The system will show the check box field Collected By Lab in the order screen.
Default The Collection Date to today and leave the order collect time empty in the order screen for a new order.
The system will make the collection date and time in the order screen required fields.
System will make the collection location field in the order screen mandatory.
System will NOT display the collect tech field in the order screen. The defaulting permission will still function in the background.
System will make the collect tech field a required field in the order screen and highlight it with yellow color.
The system will use the Order Communications Actions screen when the User presses the telephone button in the FP order screen test list.
Display the container code field and allow editing for each test on order screen.
Allows the User to define a container list to apply to any new tests ordered in an accession. It turns on the container list field in the order screen.
Edit Container Management data.
See Container Management button in order screen.
Make container code for each test a required field in the order screen.
The system will hide the instructions field in the container management screen container list.
System will turn on the button in the Episode/Order Export screen that allows for printing of container labels.
System will turn on the button in the Episode/Order Export screen that allows for printing of container labels.
Turns on the copy to client drop down field in the order screen and makes it a required field.
Turns on the copy to client drop down field in the order screen.
See Copy Order Info Button. Puts accession identifying info on clipboard so it can be pasted to another application.
System will default the accession number to the requisition id in the order screen. This will happen when a new order is created.
Set species code and name in patient reg screen to the defaults set on lab info table
System will default the collection location of a new accession number to the User's User location. No impact in existing accessions.
Default the collection tech in the order screen for a new order with the tech code assigned in the use table.
Allows for defaulting of the container code from the value stored in the FO_Tests table for a test code. The action will take place when a test is ordered in the order screen.
Default the receive date time and tech in the order screen. It simulates a click on the default receipt button on the left of receive date.
Allows default of the specimen type code from the definition on the FO_TestsXContainers table. Defaulting will happen during a test order process if the User picks a container code from the drop down list.
Allows default for the specimen code at the time a test is ordered. The default will be taken from the FO_Tests equivalent fields. This entry may be overwritten if User picks other container code.
The system will check to see if the defUserptloc permission is applied and then default the patient location code to the User location picked at the time the User logged in. The User locations must be defined in the pt location table.
System will bypass client based location mapping rules in an order and assign the User location default and if that does not exist the system location default.
System will not allow test deletion after a test has been queued to be sent to an external system. This takes effect in the order process test deletion screen.
System will allow payment deletions in the Payment Collection module by enabling the Delete Payment button.
The system will allow the User to override the demographics expiration block rules by using Override button in the field expiration lock screen
The system will allow the User to see the Save button on the demographic field expiration lock screen
The system will detect if User defined a secondary insurance with no primary insurance. Prompts User to define primary insurance. Rule fires when hit SAVE button.
System will make the Diagnosis Change Screen full size when the User starts it from the patient screen button.
System will only allow the code field for diagnosis searches in the order screen. The description search text box will not be displayed.
System will not automatically set the last name of the insured in the demographic insurance entry to be the last name of the patient if child or spouse is chosen
Turn off Text Diagnosis button in the order screen.
The system will not default mapped client to the order client field, when a single client is mapped. Client field should be made mandatory to ensure the User picks one.
System will override all mappings from client to location in the order screen when the User exits the Client prompt. Will bypass client to location map logic. No default locations may be set.
The system will override mapping for provider to client on the order screen and only allow the choice for client from the pipe delimited list in the Users table Assign To Client field.
The system will use the multi-query advanced duplicate check routine when a User clicks on the Duplicate patient check button on the demographics screen. Replaces all other related permissions.
Enable duplicate patient checking by name and DOB. Turns on buttons and appropriate functionality at field exits on pt reg and other screens.
Enable duplicate patient checking by SSN only at SSN field exit. Use instead of dupptcheckssndob. Turns on buttons and appropriate functionality at field exits on pt reg and other screens.
Enable duplicate patient checking by name and SSN at SSN field exit. Use instead of dupptcheckssn. Turns on buttons and appropriate functionality at field exits on pt reg and other screens.
Allows User to see and edit the LISORDX field for each test in an order. This field is used to group billing info and ID a patient in inbound interfaces.
System will allow payment editing in the payment collections module by enabling the Edit Payment Button.
System allows the User to edit the perflabcode field on the order screen test list.
Allows a User to edit the test price field in an order.
The system will allow the User to edit the ValidateTestCode field on the order screen test list spreadsheet.
Allow viewing of eligibility raw transactions using Web Utility.
The system will make the email field on the patient demographics screen invisible
System will not default todays date for admit date in the episode screen. This rule will be passed over if the episode screen is launched by the system after an order.
System will attempt to use provider to client mapping rules when a provider code is entered in the episode screen. If a single match is found the client code will be auto entered. If multiple are found the client drop down will be populated.
Allow turning off the display of the episode ABN dropdown in the episode screen.
Allow display of the episode account number field in the episode screen. Turning it on makes it mandatory.
Allow display of the episode insurance (assign to) dropdown in the episode screen.
Allow display of Events button in patient demographic screen to branch off to episode generation screen.
Make ESRD field on patient reg screen invisible
The system will enable the ethnicity drop down field in the patient demographic screen.
The system will evaluate each test ordered in an order session for inclusion/exclusion from the order using the rules in the FO_INS_Tests table.
System will check the last character of the ordering physician code on the order screen for a checksum match. The User will be prompted to enter if the checksum does not match.
The system will turn on the Exception button in the patient demographic screen so the User can create exception reports
The system will cause the User to return to a blank patient search state or integrated search screen after exiting the episode transmit to host screen bypassing the accession history screen.
The system will turn on the exception button in the order screen so the User can create exception reports.
The system will override the logic that assigns the package code for a test to the same value as parent test code for an exploded package in the client driven order screen. Value only stored in parent test code.
System will turn off the Export button in the demographic screen if this permission is used and the permission exportordertoif is not present.
See Export Order Button for order data transfer to Fast Reg screen. Also used for HL7 data export.
System will queue the accession to be sent to the LIS only after the accession has been Accepted as verified in the Blind Verification Module. The exportordertoif permission must also be used.
Export order to default interfaces. Turns on display of the episode creation and assignment screen.
The system will delay sending the order to the LIS until a container from the order is added to a batch transport list. The export button in the episode screen will be made invisible.
See Export Demographics Button and allow transfer to fast reg screen and HL7 interfaces
The system will activate the store to all tests button in the External Data screen. Allows for a User to copy screen data to all tests.
The system will turn on the Auto Fill Demographics button in the external data screen.
The system will disable User editing on the foreign MRN and qualifier fields on the External Data screen.
The system will turn on the External button in the order screen and activate the external data screen for use.
The system will activate the Store Test button in the external data screen to allow storing data for a single test.
Allow User to edit facility id field. User must have the facilities they are expected to access defined in FO_Users.Userfacilityid field
Make facility id field on patient reg screen invisible
Turns on the radio button for fasting option in original order screen or YES /NO drop down in Client Driven Order screen. Display the fasting column at test level on the order screen.
The system will search for an MPI entry for a patient when a client ID is entered in the order screen. It is executed when a client is picked. The system will use the MPIQualifier entry identified for this client in the FO_Clients table.
The system will make the FOID field in the patient demographic screen invisible
Mandates that the Call and Fax To test codes defined in the FO_LabInfo table are used instead of the Call/Fax screen. It will automatically order these tests and the User then will place call and fax information in the answers for these tests.
The system will clear the client field contents on the accession screen, when the User presses the backspace key to delete the ordering physician field information.
The system will create an A08 or A04 transaction to be sent to the host system when a User updates episode critical data in the order screen. Ord. Physician, Client and Collect date.
The system will trigger an episode critical data update and send an A08 or A04 to the host when tests are added to an order previously exported. One transaction per add-on test. Occurs on order exit. Does not require order export if previously done.
The system will clear the patient location fields when the client code has been changed. This rule is effective on the client driven order screen.
The system will force the User to view the demographic screen when searching by Accession, ReqID or Lab Acc from the main tool bar search option list
The system, when the export button is pressed after a new order, will trigger an A08 or A04 to be sent to the host for each new order created even if the episode was sent before.
The system will check all tests ordered in the client driven order screen when the verify button is pressed to see if a workload entry is required (FO_Tests.AskUserForWorkLoadCode), and not allow the User to verify if any do not have it.
The system will not assign a performing lab if an order is assigned Future Order status until the collection date is adjusted to eliminate Future Order status.
The system will bypass the episode creation and order export screen when an order qualifies as a Future Order. The User will not be able to create an episode or export the order.
Allow User to generate MR Numbers. Turns on button on patient demographics screen if there is no mr num assigned to the patient. Requires MR numgenerationroutine to be filled in lab info with either ALPHA4Number4 or NUMBER.
System will automatically generate an MRN number when the Save button is pressed in the demographic screen. Depends on the presence of an MRN generation routine.
Required to access the Transaction Viewer Utility for HL7 transactions.
The system will validate the orders to be exported when the User presses the export button in the order screen and disallows the User from export if all tests in the accession do not have LabAcc or warn if only some do.
Turns on the image folder field on the screen and makes it a mandatory field.
Turns on the image folder field on the order screen.
Disable editing of insurance address fields
The system will make the insurance address field on the patient demographic screen invisible.
The system will evaluate policy based insurance messages for an insurance code in the FO_INS_Policy_Messages table when a User tabs out of a policy number field in demographics screen
Allows activation of the delete button in the insurance history screen so the User may delete history records.
Allows the use of the export buttons in the insurance history screen to export history records to the patient demographics screen.
Allows the use of the Insurance Import buttons on the insurance history form to copy insurances defined for the patient into the insurance history screen.
Allows activation of the verification and expiration buttons in the insurance history screen so the User can verify and expire insurance records.
The system will enable insurance based test restriction rules during order entry. The system will execute this rule when a test is ordered.
The system will allow the User to search for insurances in patient demographic screen by primary, secondary or null rank. Primary rank to be used for primary insurance, secondary for secondary only and null for either one.
The system will limit the insurances displayed when a User searches for insurance in the patient demographic screen to those assigned to a group matching the INS_Group field in the FO_Users table.
The system will auto check the External Orders only checkbox in the integrated search screen.
The system will auto check the Unreceived orders only check box in the integrated search screen.
The system will make the Branch To Order button invisible in the Integrated Search Screen if the work flow is Patient Presents.
The system will remove the Driver's License option from the integrated order index search screen, patient search drop down list.
The system will show the button to launch the integrated search screen on the list of option buttons when the User presses the barcode tool bar item.
The system will load the Integrated search form when the User first logs in to the application.
System will NOT allow the User to edit the Lab Acc field in the order screen.
The system will consider that LabAcc values are unique and will not apply date ranges when its searching by LabAcc.
System will trigger labels to print when the User presses the Exit button in the order screen. If this permission is not used they will be triggered at order export.
The system will allow the User to see the button for the Label Print screen in the main screen tool bar.
The system will present the User with a field to allow for searching by FP Accession in the Label Print Screen.
The system will present the User with a field to search by Container ID in the Label Print Screen.
The system will present the User with a field to search by Lab Acc in the Label Printing Screen.
The system will print a Lab Acc label instead of a fast accession level label and change the Accession check box to Lab Acc on the label print screen.
Allow display of search limitation tools by date range and accession in the past order section of the Accession History Screen.
Allow display of search limitation tools by date range and accession in the standing order section of the Accession History Screen.
The system will validate the tel/fax numbers entered in an order action and limit them to a pipe delimited list from the FO_LabInfo.OrderActionPhoneNumbers field. This is used to limit phone numbers in the test area. It should not be used in production.
System will turn on the ALLPAT button in the diagnosis area of the order screen. This allows the User to load the diagnosis used in other accessions previously entered for this patient.
Allows a User to Log Into software.
The system will limit the location search in the collection location screen to show only locations mapped to the order client.
See Maintenance Button on Toolbar. Used only by Admins with assistance from Rhodes.
The system will allow the User to branch to the central client maintenance screen from the file maintenance options screen.
The system will allow the User to branch to the fast file maintenance screen from the file maintenance options screen.
The system will allow the User to branch to the central provider maintenance screen from the file maintenance options screen.
The system will present the User with the file maintenance options screen when the User presses the file maintenance toolbar button.
The system will allow the User to branch to the specimen list management module from the file maintenance options screen.
The system will utilize the LISAccgrpCode value to group tests to an LIS accession during container creation.
System will only allow the merging of patients when the patient Name, DOB and Gender are exactly the same.
Allow the creation of Merge Messages in HL7 interfaces through the trigger table. Each patient merge will be queued for transmission to the Host system.
System will only allow the merging of patients that have NO Medical Record Number (MRN) assigned, to another patient that may or may not have an MRN.
See Merge Patient Data Button.
The system will queue a merge to the FO_Merge table when the User presses the merge button in the merge patient screen. Merging will be performed by the FP Windows Merge Service instead of FP App.
Turns off the Free Text Test Entry (miscellaneous test entry) in the order entry screen.
System will not allow User to assign an order to an existing episode if the account number does not match. This is triggered in by pressing the Assign To Episode button in episode screen.
The system will check to see if a CID has been assigned in a batch when the User is removing a test or all tests from a CID in the container management (tubes) screen, and prevent the User for removing tests.
The system will allow container modifications even after the accession has been transmitted to the LIS. Execution point in container management screen.
The system will allow modification of containers in the container management screen (tubes) even after at least one of the tests in a container (CID) has been sent to the LIS. If (modtubeaftersend) this permission may not be checked.
Turns On button to Allow User to view list of MPI entries by Patient FOID. If User has Qualifier assigned then can only see MPI entries within their qualifier. If no qualifier is assigned then User can see all entries for that FOID.
The system will skip patient duplicate checking when the species code is not H (Human) or it is a blank value
The system will use work flow based collect date logic based in MPI preserve fields for a CDC or TDC order when first opened. This overrides cdcblankcollopen and tdcblankcollopen.
The system will turn on the fields needed to add an MPI cross-reference in the MPI Cross-reference List screen.
The system will show the Delete button on the MPI cross-reference list screen so the User can delete entries.
System will remind the User to create the call/fax info in the LIS after the Export button is pressed. This rule is executed when new info is entered in the call/fax screen.
Allow the display of an MSP tool bar button and allow MSP to be created at patient level without accessions or orders.
MSP Delete Any. Allows deletions of any MSP form. Allows the Delete MSP buttons to be turned on.
MSP Delete Today. Allows Users to delete MSP data if the data was created today. Allows the Delete MSP buttons to be turned on.
Allow User to see the button to create Long Form MSP forms. If only this is used then the Long Form Button will not be displayed. IF both short and long is needed use both permissions.
MSP Print. Allows Users to print MSP forms.
Allows for all MSP data view and editing. Allows for Save and New buttons to be turned on for MSP use.
Allows MSP form editing if form has been created today. Allows for Save and New buttons to be turned on for MSP use.
MSP Review. Allows User to see the MSP Search and Create form utilities and buttons.
Allow User to see the button to create Short Form MSP forms. If only this is used then the Short Form Button will not be displayed. IF both short and long is needed use both permissions.
System will force the User to always enter a diagnosis before a test is ordered in the order screen. Overrides settings for insurance and Bill To.
The system will allow the User to delete next of kin entries in the next of kin screen.
The system will allow the User to create or edit next of kin entries in the next of kin screen.
The system will turn on the next of kin button in the demographic screen so the Next Of Kin screen can be accessed by the User.
The system will detect the Pt name prefix and store it when the save button is pressed on the demographic screen.
The system will detect name prefixes and remove them from the last name when the save button is pressed on the demographic screen.
The system will detect name suffixes and remove them from the last name when the save button is pressed on the demographics screen.
The system will detect Pt name suffixes and store them when the save button is pressed on the demographic screen.
System will not allow editing of an order or the addition of new tests after an order has been transmitted to the LIS.
The system will bypass the client and location mapping when the User tabs out the ordering physician field if a client id is already there.
The system will turn off the export button on new orders. The system will only allow the export button to be displayed if a User opens an order after it has been stored and the exit button is pressed.
System will not display the Delete button on the order screen.
The system will not prompt the User to ask if they want to save data if to changes in the demographics screen. The system will auto store the data.
System will check for the presence of spaces in the Insurance Code at the time of selecting one in the demographic screen and blank the entry if spaces are found.
System will suppress the warning message displayed if there is a single client mapped to a provider when permission donotdefclient is used in the order screen.
The system will not display the text diagnosis verification prompt when a User chooses a text diagnosis in the order screen.
System will not display the test instructions in the one D and 2 D requisition forms when printed.
The system will not allow an order action to be created after a FP accession has been exported to host.
The system will substitute the FP accession for the req id value in operations in the order action screen, change the action type to FPACCESSION, and the req if button label to FP Acc, when the User presses the REQ ID button to store an order action.
The system will enable the Un-Recv'd Client Orders button in the accession history screen to show CDC orders.
System will show the MERGE button on the Order Index Search screen.
System will only allow the User to pick a free text diagnosis from the dropdown list. Any others will result in a warning message.
System will not display any barcodes in the requisition form header except the one for requisition id.
The system will turn off the Email field in the order action screen, when the screen is first loaded.
The system will validate phone numbers in the Order action screen to be 10 digits long and warn the User if not.
The system will not record the performing lab code during a test conflict adjudication on the order screen. Used to allow the User to make changes and then have the system recalculate it.
Allows the User to place orders on any physician in database. If absent then User can only place orders on assigned providers by entry group code.
The system will create an episode and export qualifying orders automatically when a User Exits/Processes out of the order screen.
The system will warn the User that canceled tests exist in an order when an export to LIS process is triggered.
The system will change the test code field background to yellow if the test is canceled. May be overridden by other settings like invalid test code logic.
The system will default the order level collect date and time to now when the User presses the C button on the order screen.
The system will check to see if Container Management was not performed before the User exits a non future order and will prompt the User to press the TUBES button in the order screen.
System will check if a test code is orderable after consolidation and test duplication logic and before a test code is stored when the ORDER button is pressed in the order screen.
The system will treat the received container list field on the order screen as text and store it and retrieve it as such. The data entered will not be applied to the order.
The system will compare the ordering physician to all the 'copy to's at the time of order when the exit button is pressed. If a 'copy to' matches the ordering then the system will prompt the User and not allow them to exit until it's fixed.
The system will detect the presence of the word DECANT in the spot code field of any container (CID) in an accession and prevent the User from exiting the order and warn the User to finish processing.
The system will default the CVN value to the ACCT field value on the order screen as long as ACCT is blank. Rule executes when the User exits the CVN field.
The system will use the User default client code when a new order/accession is created in the client driven order screen.
The system will use the default User client code when a new order/accession is created in the client driven order screen.
The system will use the User default pt loc code when a new order/accession is created in the client driven order screen.
The system will restrict a User searching for 'copy to' providers in the order screen to members of the User's entry group code.
The system will hide the multicolor button on the client driven order screen test list.
The system will make the New/Review Order button on the accession history screen invisible. No new orders can be created.
The system will change the caption on the New/review button of the accession history screen to include the word Order and turn off the picture.
The system will make the Received and Undeceived button on the order history screen invisible.
The system will turn on the order history and question history drop downs in the order screen.
The system will turn on the button in the order screen to view and add scanned images.
The system will limit the number of tests a User can create in one accession to 25 tests. The User will be warned that no more tests can be added.
The system will limit the User in choosing clients for an order to those listed in the User assigned client code list in the Users table. Effective in the client driven order screen.
When tabbing out of the ClientPTID field in the client driven order screen, if the MPI contains an episode id, and the CVN field is blank and the client pt id field is blank, the CVN will be filled with the MPI value. autofillordcldptid is also required.
The system will turn on the Search tests button in the order screen to allow for presentation of common tests and test searching.
The system will display the critical field override button on the client driven order screen.
The system will present the order related message popup window when a client spot light flag is set and the window has not been show to the User yet in the client driven order screen, when Verify is pressed.
The system will try to recover missing receipt times for tests within a LabAcc. Checks to see if some tests in a LabAcc have been received and defaults the others with the same time, in the client driven order screen at time of process button.
The system will expand the provider name width on the non client driven order screen provider drop down list.
The system will load the patient diagnosis form the FO_Patient_Diagnosis table in the order diagnosis list when a new order is created.
The system will display the PAT button next to the icd list on the order screen so the patient ICDs in the FO_Patient_Diagnosis table can be loaded to the order.
The system will default the order view/edit mode to view. All orders will open in view mode and the User will have to reload them to edit mode.
The system will prompt the User to view or edit an accession before opening the order screen, when the User clicks on the Review button of the Order History screen.
The system will bypass the logic to send add-on test orders from the exit button in the order screen. The User will be required to export orders again.
The system will trigger all orders created in FP to RRE no matter what the receipt date is at the time the User presses the export button or the order process button.
The system will turn on an Edit Order button in the client driven order screen when the order view only mode is set. This will allow the User to reload the order in edit mode.
The system will allow the User to access the client driven order screen split test button when the order is in view mode.
The system will turn the workload field back color to blue in the order screen if visible.
Make the order comment field on the order screen invisible.
Allow User to exit order bypassing mandatory components by always presenting the EXIT ORDER button on task list.
Make the password icon on the application toolbar visible to allow for password changes by the User.
The system will hide the credit card related fields in the payment screen.
System will turn on the receipt button in the payment collection screen.
System will use the User Loc Summary button in the Payment Collection screen to allow printing of a report by the User's User location.
System will use the User Loc Summary button in the Payment Collection screen that will print a summary report for all payments in a date for all User locations.
The system will make a patient name column visible in the container list. Making this visible will cause the grid display to retrieve a patient name for each CID and therefore adding more time and steps to the display. This impacts performance.
System will set the policy field value to blank if it fails the edit mask check for multiple edit masks. This occurs in the patient demographic screen.
See Total Price on Order Screen.
The system will prompt the User to verify a patient when the User presses the Exit button on the patient demographic screen.
The system will check to see if an exclusion message has been defined for the ordering provider of an order and the patient's primary insurance code.
The system will check to see if the patient and responsible party address fields are more than 30 characters and will not allow the User to save the patient until they are corrected to 30. Rule applied at time of save
The system will default the pt arrival field in the order screen to the current time if it is empty when an accession is created or opened.
System will make the patient arrival field in the order screen mandatory.
System will turn on the patient arrival field in the order screen.
The system will display the Census button on the patient demographic screen.
The system will display the Central Line Expiration Date Field in the patient screen.
The system will disable the client id related responsible party fields in the patient demographic screen
Allows User to delete any patient
The system will prevent the User from deleting a patient that has an MRN value when the User presses the delete button on the order screen.
Allows User to delete a patient created today only
The system will NOT check the expiration based locks in the patient demographics screen and allow the User to edit fields available to them by other permissions.
The system will display the history button on the patient demographics screen
The system will display the report button on the patient demographics screen
The system will turn on the patient diagnosis button on the patient demographics screen. Patient Level Diagnosis
Allows the display of the Diagnosis button on the bottom of the patient demographics screen. Allows for display of the diagnosis change screen mainly to be used by billing staff. (Patient/Order level diagnosis)
The system will enable the eligibility buttons and logic in the patient demographics screen
The system will allow the User to change data in the patient employer entry screen.
The system will display the employer button in the demographic screen so the User may access the Employer Data Entry screen.
The system will activate the patient demographic screen's Exp. Lock button to allow the User to access the Demographics Field Expiration Lock screen
The system will allow the User to edit the field expiration lock settings in the Demographic Field Expiration Lock screen
The system will make the patient home telephone field a required field in the patient demographic screen
System will enable the Images button in the patient demographic screen.
The system will execute the insurance expiration date based rules on opening the patient demographic screen to block insurance entry if the expiration date is in the future
Allows the display of the Ins.Hist button on the demographic screen that turns on the Insurance History Screen.
Enables the print patient label button in the order export screen to allow the User to print a patient label.
Automatically queues a patient demographic label to print when a User presses the Save button in the demographic screen.
Allows printing patient demographic labels from the patient demographic screen and activates patient label printing environment
The system will change the background color of the location field in the order screen to yellow and make the field required for entry.
See Patient Location Field on Order Screen.
Disables editing of the medical record number field in the patient demographics screen but allows the User to assign a medical record number by clicking on the MR# button
Make the patient MR number field in the patient demographic screen a required field
System will automatically show messages for a patient at each execution point.
Allow User to delete patient and accession messages.
Allow User to edit existing patient and accession messages.
Allow User to expire patient and accession messages.
Allow User to create new patient and accession level messages.
Allow User to view Patient and Accession messages. Turns on toolbar icon related to messages.
Allow User to view all patient and accession level messages.
The system will display the patient name change button on the demographics screen so the User may interact with name detail fields.
The system will disable data entry on the patient name of the patient demographic screen. To edit the name a User must use the pt name change button.
The system will lock the name prefix field and prevent User from entering the patient name change screen.
Allows the User to create new patients
System will make the Notes/Memo field at the bottom of the patient demographic screen invisible.
The system will allow the User to type name prefixes that are not in the Lab Info recognized list in the patient name change screen.
The system will allow the User to type name suffixes that are not in the Lab Info recognized list in the patient name change screen.
The system will lock the suffix field and not allow User entry for that field in the patient name change screen.
The system will allow the User to see the full name override button in the patient name screen and allow for manual full name editing, bypassing rules.
The System will allow the User to see the Store button on the patient name change screen and to store data when it’s changed.
The system will execute the person info expiration date block rules on opening the patient demographic screen to block person data entry if the PersonDataUpdateExpiration expiration date is in the future
Allows the User to save patient information by enabling the Save button in the patient demographic screen
System will press the Exit button automatically to allow the User to exit the demographic screen when the save button action is successful
Allows the display of the button to review patient data in the patient search screen
The system will show the insurance code and name in the patient demographics screen even if it does not exist in the fo_ins table
The system will show the Show My Active Patients button on the patient search screen
The system will turn on and show the Order History button on the patient search screen to allow for direct branching to that screen.
The system will turn on the Patient Results Button on the patient search screen.
The system will make the patient telephone fields in the patient demographic screen invisible
The system will turn on the venipuncture notes field on the patient demographics screen.
System will auto verify the patient after an order has been created and saved. The Patient table Verify Time Stamp will be updated.
The system will prompt the User for the patient verification date value in the demographics screen when the Verify button is pressed
Enables the Answer button on the question answer screen.
The system will re-check the edit mask for all answers in the order question screen when the save button is pressed. The User will be prompted to return and change the answer if edit mask fails.
The system will use the coded element driven answer screen for question and answer management when the User presses the QA button in the order screen.
The system will allow the User to change the reviewed flag of an answer in the code driven question/answer screen if no validation flag is present.
The system will warn the User that they cannot exit the question answer screen before they answer all mandatory questions.
The system will highlight mandatory question rows in yellow in the question answer screen launched from the order screen.
The system will warn the User that there are un-answered mandatory questions in the question answer screen but allow them to exit the screen.
The system will exclude AOE questions that belong to canceled tests from displaying in the order question list and from causing the task list to indicate missing questions.
The system will enable the Race drop down field in the patient demographic screen
Stop storing of recent patient data on UserLocPt table. The Recent Patient search type will not work with this rule. Meant for lab Users not clients
System will allow the recording of payments by turning on the appropriate button in the Payment Collection screen.
The system will turn on the check box and default it to checked, on the Specimen Receipt screen to allow for automatic printing of Aliquot labels when the Receive To LIS button is used.
The system will make the Auto Print Aliquot Labels check box in the Specimen Receipt Screen and leave it unchecked.
The system will allow the Print Aliquot Button to be visible to the User in the Specimen Receipt Screen.
The system will make the Print Container Labels Button in the Specimen Receipt Screen visible.
See Specimen Receive Fields on Order Screen.
System will NOT display the receive tech field in the order screen.
System will make the receive tech field a required field in the order screen and highlight it with yellow color.
See Referral Button in the order screen.
System will make the relationship field and insured name field in the insurance entry portions of the demographic screen mandatory if a policy number is entered.
The system will remove the first address field from the Medicare ABN form.
The system will remove the second address field from the Medicare ABN form.
The system will remove the third address field from the Medicare ABN form.
The system will remove the fourth address field from the Medicare ABN form.
The system will remove the title field on the Medicare ABN report header.
The system will remove the logo image from the Medicare ABN forms.
System will not display test codes in requisitions and packing lists for tests that have been assigned to a non default (blank) performing lab.
The system will use the User location specific priority to replace any other priorities assigned by the User on a test order in the order screen.
The system will warn the User that the REQ ID field requires a value when the field is required (yellow) and the User tries to exit the field on the Client Driven Order screen.
The system will warn the User that the REQ ID field requires a value when the MPI level flag is true, and the User tries to exit the field on the Client Driven Order screen. Cannot be used at the same time as (reqdefaccwarn).
The system will default the req id field in the client driven order screen if the value is blank or a semicolon when a test is ordered.
The system will remove non alphanumeric characters on a req id value when the User tabs out of the field and when the verify button is pressed.
Make the requisition id field in order screen a required field.
Turn on the requisition id field in the order screen.
Allows User to print requisitions by activating the Req button in the order screen.
The system will add a section on the order requisition report to display the Order Actions for that order. They will display at the perform lab footer.
The system will make the requisition drop down field mandatory in the order screen.
The system will turn on the requisition signature drop down field in the order screen.
Enables User fill in prompts to appear on order requisition form when printed. Fields appear on header.
Enables User fill in prompts to appear on order requisition form when printed. Fields appear on header with TP93 TP94.
System will turn on the Re-Transmit To LIS button in the episode screen. If the User has permissions to send in an LIS interface then the episode may be retransmitted.
Allows toolbar to display access icon for branching to result system.
The system will branch to CS Tools and use the result inquiry screen when a User presses the red phone result button in the accession history screen.
Disable editing of responsible party fields on patient reg screen. Allow display of field contents without edit
Turn off responsible party fields
The system will not default the patient name in the responsible party name when self is chosen as the relationship in the patient demographic screen.
System allows the User to define new racks and delete existing rack definitions from the FO_Archive_Rack table. Turns on buttons on the archive screen.
System allows the User to delete the contents of whole Devices and all racks within them by turning on the specimen archive screen Clear Device Button.
The system will enable a button and a text field in the Archive screen that will allow the User to delete rack items that have a discard date less than now by Location Id.
System allows the User to delete the contents of whole racks by turning on the specimen archive screen Clear Rack Button.
The system will default the container code in the specimen archive screen with the last container code used after the first entry is made.
The system will default the specimen type in the archive screen with the value from the last entry after the first entry is made.
System allows the User to delete rack items from the search list in the specimen archive screen. Turns on the Delete List Entry button.
System allows the User to access the specimen archive screen and functionality by turning on tool bar icon.
The system will automatically store an accession in the specimen archive screen when the User exits the search accession field. Any changes to the rack entry after that will require an update process.
System allows the User to store entries in the specimen archive screen by turning on the Store Entries button.
The system will associate and store the User EntryGroupCode for that patient when an order is placed in the order screen.
The system will associate and store the InquiryGroupCode of the User and the physicians on the order screen during a test order in the order screen.
The system will include the FP accession in the name of scanned files.
The system will make the accession field required in the scanned images screen.
The system will make the accession field visible in the scanned images screen.
The system will blank the accession, LabAcc and req id fields in the scanned images screen after each image is stored.
The system will make the client code field required in the scanned images screen.
The system will make the client code field visible in the scanned images screen.
The system will include the order client code as it appears on the image screen in the scan file name.
The system will include a date stamp in the file name of the scanned file.
The system will make the delete button visible in the image scanning screen.
The system will turn on the Export File button in the image scan screen. Will allow a stored image to be exported to a file.
The system will turn on the Export Range button in the image scan screen. For advanced User only. Requires table manipulation to queue data.
The system will delimit each item in the scanned image file name by a up arrow symbol.
The system will prefix each value in the scanned image file name with a title such as MRN: Acc: LABACC: PtNAME: REQID:
The system will include the lab accession in the name of scanned files.
The system will make the lab acc field required in the scanned images screen.
The system will make the lab acc field visible in the scanned images screen.
The system will include the MRN in the name of scanned image files.
The system will include the patient DOB in the scan file name.
The system will include the patient name in the file name of scanned files.
The system will include the Req Id in the name of scanned files.
The system will make the req id field required in the scanned images screen.
The system will make the req id field visible in the scanned images screen.
The system will store the scanned image as a PDF file if a folder is specified.
The system will add the category type on the scanned image file name.
See all lab tests when searching in order screen. Includes FO_Tests.viewlabonly=Y. Not for use with clients.
Allows User to access all patients in the system. Absence means the User can only see assigned patients by entry group code
Allows User to see all orders and results in the system. Absence means the system only allows access by entry group code.
Will allow User to see contents of clientpoppup field in FO_Tests table for each test.
System will turn on the collection location field in the order screen.
System will allow the User to see the episode screen client pt id field. The system will not apply any client pt id rules in the episode level if this is not used.
Will allow User to see contents for labpopup field in FO_Tests table for each test.
System will display buttons in the patient demographic and order screens to allow access to the Payment Collection Module.
System will queue the diagnosis to be sent to the financial system through the separate re-queue interface in the order screen when diagnosis is changed.
The system will trigger an export transaction (send to interface) a receipt transaction (XR) when a new test order is triggered for export.
Set the facility id of a patient to the default facilityid value from FO_LabInfo. Must have default id defined for User
Set the facilityid of a patient to the facility id defined for the User. Must have single facility id for User
System will make the User location the default User patient location in effect overwriting the setting for the field def_ptloccode in the FO_Users table.
Default responsible party to self if no responsible party name is present
The system will default the responsible party to SELF if there is no responsible party name and the patient age at the time is >=18. Rule fires when the save button is pressed in the patient demographic screen.
System will assume the User will enter a correct value for the Client Patient MRN (MPI Foreign ID) that is not cross-referenced and will not be checked for integrity. In this case the system will not blank the value if the client is changed.
Allow Skipping Address Line 2 in patient demographic entry
The system will not apply diagnosis changes to bill only tests. This rule will execute in the diagnosis change screen when the ‘apply to all tests’ button is used.
Use SO Activate into Order Button.
Use SO Cancel Button.
Create New Standing Orders.
Use SO Discontinue Button.
Use SO History Button.
Use SO Past Button.
The system will make the magnifier button to the right of the patient name visible in the standing order tool box screen.
Use SO Mark as Reviewed Button.
Use SO Pending and Expired Buttons.
The system will NOT copy the episode id value from the standing order to the order resulting upon activation to force the User to create a new episode based on rules.
System will blank the collection date and time and tech code when a standing order is activated.
System will default the collection date to the date and time of now when a standing order is activated. The collection tech will be blank.
The system will present the User with the Create New SO button in the accession history screen. This button allows for SO order creation and scheduling in one screen flow.
The system will delete the original manually created order that was used to create a standing order. This rule only applies at the time the User creates a standing order and assumes original order has not been exported to Host.
The system will include order action commas data when creating or activating a standing order.
The system will preserve the acc_info level filler id when a standing order is created and activated.
The system will store and preserve the account number value when a SO order is created and activated.
The system will store and preserve the performing lab code when creating and activating a standing order.
The system will record and preserve the Req Id value entered in an order when a SO is created and activated.
The system will store and preserver the test level FO_Accessions filler id when creating and activating standing orders.
The system will NOT store the patient location when creating a standing order, mandating that the User enter it when the order is activated.
Allow the display of the SO Tools Button on the Acc History Screen and Tool Bar.
See Species Field, if not defaults to Human.
Mandate veterinary species selection only in demographics screen species dropdown. Selects for species records with veterinary defined to 1
Display the specimen code field and allow editing for each test on order screen.
Allow display of the specimen receipt icon on the toolbar on the main screen.
The system will allow the User to see the accession column in the Specimen Receipt Module Screen.
The system will detect if the performing lab and Container Id are blank in the specimen receipt module and attempt to fill them with rules.
The system will allow the User to see the Container ID column in the Specimen Receipt module screen.
The system will allow the User to see the Lab Acc in the specimen receipt module screen.
The system will allow the User to see and interact with the Performing Lab Code column in the Specimen Receipt module screen.
The system will block User edit of the performing lab field of the single specimen receipt screen.
The system will only allow receipt of accessions scanned in the Specimen Receipt Module that match the Users performing lab. All other entries will not be sent to the LIS for receipt.
The system will blank the collection (test level only), verification and receipt dates/techs and device/User location in the order and test level during a test split to a new accession for the new accession.
The system will copy the event level order actions when a test is split, to the new accession, if the order action has not yet been processed.
The system will copy the LabAcc level order actions when a test is split, to the new accession, if the order action has not yet been processed and the LabAcc value is null.
The system will copy the req id level order actions when a test is split, to the new accession, if the order action has not yet been processed.
The system will blank the performing lab code during a test split to a new accession for the new accession.
The system will make the Received Containers field in the Client Driven Order screen a required field if the current workflow is Specimen Presents.
The system will check to see if the collection tech code is blank and default it to the value from FO_LabInfo.SpecimenPresentsDefTechCode. Applies to first opening of an electronic order or when first test is ordered in Client Driven Order Screen.
The system will delete the items sent to the LIS for receipt on the Specimen Receipt module screen after the User presses the button to initiate the receipt process. The system will preserve the items not sent to the LIS for User review.
The system will transmit an order message to LIS if one has not been already sent when the User presses the Send to LIS button on the specimen receipt screen.
The system will store the Workload, PerflabCode and collection date and time in the Specimen Receipt screen after the User presses the receipt to LIS button even if the data does not qualify to be sent to the LIS because of other rules.
The system will update the Perf.Lab code in the FO_Accessions and FO_Acc_Tubes tables when a User performs a single specimen receipt. The value used in the screen will be used for the update.
The system will turn on the general Workload Field on the specimen receipt screen. This is not the field in the specimen list.
System will take the sales tax for payments from the FO_Zips table. If this is not used system will look for sales tax in FO_LabInfo by User location.
The system will blank the collection date time when a TDC order is opened for the first time in the client driven order screen.
The system will display the Test Action form for a test code in the order screen test list.
The system will prevent a User from cancelling a test when a CID has been assigned. Executes in the Test Cancellation Screen (new).
Allow test cancellation up to the time they are received. Do not allow test cancellation after receipt.
The system will block cancellation of tests that originated from a CDC or TDC order. Executes in Test Cancelation Screen (new).
Allow cancellation of any test in any accession.
Allow test cancellation on the same day they are ordered if the accession has not been received.
The system will prevent a User from deleting a test when a CID has been assigned. Executes in the Test Cancellation Screen (new).
Allow test deletion up to the time they are received. Do not allow test deletion after receipt.
The system will block deletion of tests that originated from a CDC or TDC order. Executes in Test Cancelation Screen (new).
Allow deletion of any test in any accession.
Allow test deletion on the same day they are ordered if the accession has not been received.
System will remove all tests ordered by an external source and re-order them to apply the applicable rules.
The system will turn on the SPLIT button in the order screen to allow the User to split tests into a new accession.
The system will allow the User to see and edit the workload column on the test list in the order screen.
View FP database raw transactions using transaction viewer utility, Entegra system.
System will allow the User to transfer an accession from one patient to another by presenting the TRANSFER button in the accession history screen.
System will not display test instructions in packing lists under each test.
System will turn on the button "Not Exported Acc" in the order history screen to allow the User to select for the un-exported accessions to be shown. The un-exported accessions for the date range indicated will be shown.
System will use the advanced accession search screen when a User presses the Bar Code Icon in the tool bar to search by accession. If this is not used the User will simply be prompted to enter an accession.
The system will present the User with a list of all Perf labs in the FO_Perf_Lab table if no test specific Perf.Lab are found when permission useperflabtestlist is used.
The system will override the use client order screen setting and cause that the client driven order screen is used.
The system will default the patient location code in the Client Driven Order Screen to the FO_Clients.defloccode value if one exists and the patient location is blank. This will execute when the client is first entered or when the client is changed.
The system will present the User with a list of performing labs defined for a particular test in the FO_Tests.TestPerfLabCodeList field, upon drop down of test list Perf lab field. Otherwise the system will load in all Perf labs in the FO_Perf_Lab table.
The system will override the use client driven order screen setting if set to true and cause the provider driven order screen to be used.
Allows the User to access the User history screen. It also makes the tool bar button with the compute face appear. Should only be used by lab management.
Allows editing of the search limitation filter text box on User history screen. For power Users only.
The system will attempt to look for a User's User location group specific performing lab rules. System will look for rules for User location group when User logs in.
Forces validation of the User entry for container code in order screen. System checks to make sure the entry is in the table and wipes it out if not. If this permission is not given then the User can type free-text container codes.
System will validate the device location the User types in to ensure it is one of those displayed in the drop down. A warning is issued when it is not.
The system will check the MPI Qualifier for the client pt id, and the one assigned to the client code of an order. If they mismatch then the User will not be able to Verify the order. Executed at order Verification.
The system will prompt the User to verify the client code when the order screen 'Verify' button is pressed on a new User created order. If the client code does not match the one in the order the User will not be able to verify.
The system will prompt the User to verify the client code when the order screen verify button is pressed on a new User created order that has multiple client matches for the provider code. Similar to permission valordclntidverify.
System will check to make sure the User has verified the order and answered the ABN question if any before the User presses the requisition button on the order screen.
Turns on the Verify button on the patient info screen and allows for patient verification fields on FO_Patients table to be filled
The system will turn on the Review Patient button to branch to the Patient screen in the order verify screen.
Enable User to View Errors generated by the system. Should only be used by IT staff.
The system will make the LisOrdx field on the test list spreadsheet in the order screen visible.
The system will warn the User that the account number used in the order screen has been used on a different patient but will not clear it. Rule fires on exit from Acct field on order screen.
System will inform the User with a message when an insurance search did not result in a match because the insurance was not found or the Rank did not match
The system will warn the User if any insurance codes are not present in the fo_ins table in the demographics screen when the save button is pressed. The system will not allow the User to store the patient information.
System will display a message to warn the User that an ordering physician has more than one client id mapped to it. The warning occurs when the User chooses an ordering physician in the order screen.
The system will check all tests ordered in the client driven order screen when the verify button is pressed to see if a workload is desired using the FO_Tests.AskUserForWorkLoadCode field, and warn the User if any do not have it.
System will not treat any fields on order workman's comp screen as mandatory. System will store any fields that have data.
System will verify that the User filled the workers comp date and cause fields. If not the Workers Comp button in the task list at the order screen will be made mandatory requiring the User to fill it before exiting the order.
See Workload Codes field on Order Screen.
The system will zero fill the left of a Lab Accession generated by Fast Platform.
Turn off display of the ALTPtID field in patient reg screen.
The system will turn on the Exception button in the Batch processing screen.
The system will allow the User to access the driver's license search screen form the tool bar advanced search and other screens.
Allow display of the episode bill to dropdown in the episode screen.
The system will allow the User to re-trigger and clear field in the Order Interface transaction Control screen.