You are here: Glossary
Drives the routines that creates unique FP accessions and container IDs. Use Rhodes Group recommended value. Allowed Values: ENTRYGROUPCODE = use entry group code to derive format. 7SEQ = create a 7 character unique number 8SEQ = create a 8 character unique number 9SEQ = create a 9 character unique number 10SEQ = create a 10 character unique number 11SEQ = create a 11 character unique number 12SEQ = create a 12 character unique number
Default value for the Outbound ADT system interface. Use Rhodes Group recommended value.
Default test code for copy to physician when the rule is activated to order a test battery to hold the values of ordering and copy to codes. The system will automatically enter the copy to codes for the order if the answer test code matches this value. Use a valid test code. Used to send the copy to physician values to a client as a test code in a lab report.
Default test code for the ordering physician when the rule is activated to order a test battery to hold the values of ordering and copy to codes. The system will automatically enter the physician code for the order if the answer test code matches this value. Use a valid test code. Used to send the ordering physician values to a client as a test code in a lab report.
Used to order tests automatically when copy to physician is used on the order screen. Multidimensional pipe delimited value. Use valid order test codes separated by pipes with leading and trailing pipes.
Use 1 Do NOT not change without Rhodes Group approval.
Use 150.00 Do NOT not change without Rhodes Group approval.
Use 5.00 Do NOT not change without Rhodes Group approval.
The form code from FO_External_Form_Definition. ExternalFormCode that can be used to show a user customized SSRS-based Batch List form. Leave blank to use the default report.
Mask for MRN entry value. Multidimensional pipe delimited value. Use integers separated by pipes with leading and trailing pipes. Each number represents a MRN entry length that is NOT supported by the system. IE: |1|2|3|4|5|6|7|9|10|11|12|13|14| In this example, the MRN entry must be either 8 characters long or longer than 14 characters.
Value for “Call” for callback systems. Used when the CALL button on the order screen phone definitions is clicked.
Value for “Fax” for callback systems. Used when the FAX button on the order screen phone definitions is clicked.
Used in the mini window for call/fax to automatically order a test code when the CALL button is clicked on the order screen. Use a valid order code.
Default fee schedule code applied to Fast accessions labeled as 'Bill to Cash'. Use valid fee schedule code.
Default fee schedule option applied to Fast accessions labeled as 'Bill to Cash'. Use valid fee schedule option.
Interface code for Client Data Concentrator inbound interface. Code is used by FAST to write to trigger table and must match what is expected for interface to function.
Use OC or CA OC = OrderControl when FAST writes a cancellation trigger CA = Cancellation order control to be used in FO_IF_Trigger_CDCOutbound
Interface code for Client Data Concentrator outbound interface. Code is used by FAST to write to trigger table and must match what is expected for interface to function.
Represents a number of hours. Use an integer. Default is 0. Used to validate the collection date/time on the order screen when a previously created order is opened. If the order collection date/time is older than this value, the collection date/time field is cleared to allow the user to enter a new one.
Prefix characters for ContainerID.
Client code or asterisk (*) for all clients.
Default for collection location if not defined at the user level. Use a valid collection location. Used to evaluate the collection location entered on the order screen.
Date record was created. Informational
HEY Date record was created. Informational this term was touched
Date record was created. Informational
User who created the record. Informational
User who created record. Informational
User who created the record. Informational
Default for area code. Use an integer, a valid area code. Used on the patient demographic screen if area code is not provided.
Default system client ID code. Use a valid client ID code.
Use 30 Do NOT not change without Rhodes Group approval.
Default patient location code on the order screen. Use valid patient location code.
Default batch destination code. Use a valid batch destination code. Used if not provided by rules for transport logic.
Default system facility ID code. Use a valid facility ID code.
Default fee schedule for multiple fee schedule implementations.
Default option in the default fee schedule for multiple fee schedule implementations.
Default performing lab code value. Use a valid performing lab code value. Used to supply a performing lab code to the system when one is required and not provided by rules.
Default species code. H = HUMAN
Default species name corresponding to the default species code. HUMAN
System default workflow. Overridden by a user location or user-defined default workflow. Allowed values: PATIENT PRESENTS SPECIMEN PRESENTS INDUSTRIAL TOX
Default requisition report name used when the REQ button on the order screen is clicked. Default used when the user-level value is not defined. Required value. Use Rhodes Group recommended value.
Description for the report.
The external form code for the dispatch list user custom report.
Determines which fields to display in the blind duplicate entry screen. Multidimensional pipe delimited value. Use allowed values shown below separated by pipes with leading and trailing pipes. The default value of |ALL| may be used to display all fields. Allowed values: M = MRN N = pt name D = DOB S = gender T = telephone C = client L = location P = physician E = test related fields CC1 = copy to 1 CC2 = copy to 2 CC3 = copy to 3 CC4 = copy to 4 ADD = address fields
Date record was edited. Informational
Date record was edited. Informational
Date record was edited. Informational
User who last edited the record. Informational
User who last edited record. Informational
User who edited the record. Informational
Populates billto option drop-down list on the episode definition screen. Multidimensional pipe delimited value. Use valid bill to options separated by pipes with leading and trailing pipes. IE: |P|C|I|
Populates insurance option drop-down list on the episode definition screen. Multidimensional pipe delimited value. Use valid insurance options separated by pipes with leading and trailing pipes. IE: |INS1|INS2|INS3|
Pathway for CSTools installation.
Filename for CSTools executable. Include ".exe" in the file name.
Unique code string to identify a single report.
Identity (counter) field
Used to automatically order a test if the fasting priority is selected at the order level on the order screen. The rule is activated at the time the VERIFY button is clicked. Use a valid order code.
Used in the mini window for call/fax to automatically order a test code when the FAX button is clicked on the order screen. Use a valid order code.
Identity (counter) field
Client code or asterisk (*) for all clients.
Date record was created. Informational
User who created record. Informational
Date record was edited. Informational
User who last edited record. Informational
Identity (counter) field
MPI qualifier code that accepts inbound messages.
Order control code used with SENDNA option.
Bit field to determine if cancel order messages are sent on CDCOutbound. 0 = filter cancel order messages, do not send 1 = send cancel order messages
Bit field to determine if SN/NA messages are sent on CDCOutbound. 0 = filter SN/NA messages, do not send 1 = send SN/NA messages
Bit field to determine if order messages are sent on CDCOutbound. 0 = filter order messages, do not send 1 = send order messages
Bit field to determine if receipt order messages are sent on CDCOutbound. 0 = filter receipt order messages, do not send 1 = send receipt order messages
HEY Date record was created. Informational this term was touched
User who created the record. Informational
Description for the report.
Date record was edited. Informational
User who edited the record. Informational
Unique code string to identify a single report.
Identity (counter) field
Swaps the default Rhodes format for the SSRS form defined. Use a valid FPModule code to enable. Valid FPModule Code: BATCHPROCESS
Determines which users can see a report based on permission group codes. Leave blank to make report available to all users. Multidimensional pipe delimited value. Use valid permission group codes separated by pipes with leading and trailing pipes.
A short coded value that identifies the type of the report.
URL that launches the report in the SSRS server.
Date record was created. Informational
User who created the record. Informational
Date record was edited. Informational
User who last edited the record. Informational
Identity (counter) field
Defines the billto value for every order created by reference to this translation. Only applies to translation type I insurance for the first IN1 segment. This will override what was sent in message or default value for qualifier. Use a valid FAST billto value. See billto table for valid entries of longcode. This logic will be used only if the translation rules are activated to cause the system to translate the insurance code in the message. An IN1 segment must have at least an insurance code and a policy number to qualify as a valid segment. If it does not, no translation will be applied.
Value for this type in the external system.
Value to translate to in FP. For type I insurance translations, if the FPValue is listed as "*DNU*", then the system will not record any insurances from that message. The system will still force the Bill To if the above field is valued. This is only honored for the primary insurance (first IN1) segment in a message.
Interface code for this translation. The interface code is defined in the Comms and Processor jobs config files.
MPI qualifier code.
Single character that represents a translation type. I = insurance P = provider C = client B = bill to T = test code L = patient location G = gender R = relationship value S = species PR = priority M = marital
Identity (counter) field
Drives the routines that creates unique FP accessions and container IDs. Use Rhodes Group recommended value. Allowed Values: ENTRYGROUPCODE = use entry group code to derive format. 7SEQ = create a 7 character unique number 8SEQ = create a 8 character unique number 9SEQ = create a 9 character unique number 10SEQ = create a 10 character unique number 11SEQ = create a 11 character unique number 12SEQ = create a 12 character unique number
Default value for the Outbound ADT system interface. Use Rhodes Group recommended value.
Default test code for copy to physician when the rule is activated to order a test battery to hold the values of ordering and copy to codes. The system will automatically enter the copy to codes for the order if the answer test code matches this value. Use a valid test code. Used to send the copy to physician values to a client as a test code in a lab report.
Default test code for the ordering physician when the rule is activated to order a test battery to hold the values of ordering and copy to codes. The system will automatically enter the physician code for the order if the answer test code matches this value. Use a valid test code. Used to send the ordering physician values to a client as a test code in a lab report.
Used to order tests automatically when copy to physician is used on the order screen. Multidimensional pipe delimited value. Use valid order test codes separated by pipes with leading and trailing pipes.
Use 1 Do NOT not change without Rhodes Group approval.
Use 150.00 Do NOT not change without Rhodes Group approval.
Use 5.00 Do NOT not change without Rhodes Group approval.
The form code from FO_External_Form_Definition. ExternalFormCode that can be used to show a user customized SSRS-based Batch List form. Leave blank to use the default report.
Mask for MRN entry value. Multidimensional pipe delimited value. Use integers separated by pipes with leading and trailing pipes. Each number represents a MRN entry length that is NOT supported by the system. IE: |1|2|3|4|5|6|7|9|10|11|12|13|14| In this example, the MRN entry must be either 8 characters long or longer than 14 characters.
Value for “Call” for callback systems. Used when the CALL button on the order screen phone definitions is clicked.
Value for “Fax” for callback systems. Used when the FAX button on the order screen phone definitions is clicked.
Used in the mini window for call/fax to automatically order a test code when the CALL button is clicked on the order screen. Use a valid order code.
Default fee schedule code applied to Fast accessions labeled as 'Bill to Cash'. Use valid fee schedule code.
Default fee schedule option applied to Fast accessions labeled as 'Bill to Cash'. Use valid fee schedule option.
Interface code for Client Data Concentrator inbound interface. Code is used by FAST to write to trigger table and must match what is expected for interface to function.
Use OC or CA OC = OrderControl when FAST writes a cancellation trigger CA = Cancellation order control to be used in FO_IF_Trigger_CDCOutbound
Interface code for Client Data Concentrator outbound interface. Code is used by FAST to write to trigger table and must match what is expected for interface to function.
Represents a number of hours. Use an integer. Default is 0. Used to validate the collection date/time on the order screen when a previously created order is opened. If the order collection date/time is older than this value, the collection date/time field is cleared to allow the user to enter a new one.
Prefix characters for ContainerID.
Default for collection location if not defined at the user level. Use a valid collection location. Used to evaluate the collection location entered on the order screen.
Default for area code. Use an integer, a valid area code. Used on the patient demographic screen if area code is not provided.
Default system client ID code. Use a valid client ID code.
Use 30 Do NOT not change without Rhodes Group approval.
Default patient location code on the order screen. Use valid patient location code.
Default batch destination code. Use a valid batch destination code. Used if not provided by rules for transport logic.
Default system facility ID code. Use a valid facility ID code.
Default fee schedule for multiple fee schedule implementations.
Default option in the default fee schedule for multiple fee schedule implementations.
Default performing lab code value. Use a valid performing lab code value. Used to supply a performing lab code to the system when one is required and not provided by rules.
Default species code. H = HUMAN
Default species name corresponding to the default species code. HUMAN
System default workflow. Overridden by a user location or user-defined default workflow. Allowed values: PATIENT PRESENTS SPECIMEN PRESENTS INDUSTRIAL TOX
Default requisition report name used when the REQ button on the order screen is clicked. Default used when the user-level value is not defined. Required value. Use Rhodes Group recommended value.
The external form code for the dispatch list user custom report.
Determines which fields to display in the blind duplicate entry screen. Multidimensional pipe delimited value. Use allowed values shown below separated by pipes with leading and trailing pipes. The default value of |ALL| may be used to display all fields. Allowed values: M = MRN N = pt name D = DOB S = gender T = telephone C = client L = location P = physician E = test related fields CC1 = copy to 1 CC2 = copy to 2 CC3 = copy to 3 CC4 = copy to 4 ADD = address fields
Populates billto option drop-down list on the episode definition screen. Multidimensional pipe delimited value. Use valid bill to options separated by pipes with leading and trailing pipes. IE: |P|C|I|
Populates insurance option drop-down list on the episode definition screen. Multidimensional pipe delimited value. Use valid insurance options separated by pipes with leading and trailing pipes. IE: |INS1|INS2|INS3|
Pathway for CSTools installation.
Filename for CSTools executable. Include ".exe" in the file name.
Used to automatically order a test if the fasting priority is selected at the order level on the order screen. The rule is activated at the time the VERIFY button is clicked. Use a valid order code.
Used in the mini window for call/fax to automatically order a test code when the FAX button is clicked on the order screen. Use a valid order code.
Interface code for the Fast to RRE interface service. Use a valid interface code.
Number of days in the future that the system will allow a user to create a new order. Use an integer. The collection date is evaluated and if the order is too far in the future, a warning message will be displayed.
Represents a number of seconds. Use an integer. If the collect date/time is in the future by more than this number of seconds, the accession is excluded from auto receive processes.
Represents a number of seconds. Use an integer. If the collect date/time is in the future by more than this number of seconds, no label is produced.
Default diagnosis code for orders placed while in ITOX workflow. Use valid diagnosis code.
Default provider code for orders placed while in ITOX workflow. Use valid provider code.
Represents the letters used in the lab accession generation when FP will pre-generate it and send it to the LIS. Multidimensional pipe delimited value. Use single capital letters separated by pipes with leading and trailing pipes. IE: |A|Q|Z|
Defines format for creation of lab accession values. Use Rhodes Group recommended value. IE: 1A,8N The format "1A,8N" generates lab accessions that are one alpha character followed by 8 numeric characters.
Address field on reports.
Second address field on reports.
Third address field on reports.
Fourth address field on reports.
Code value for this lab.
Name of lab director on reports.
Connects a lab code to a larger organization charting process. Use a valid division code as defined in an organizations chart.
Identity (counter) field
Laboratory name on the login screen and reports.
Connects a lab code to a larger organization charting process. Use a valid region code as defined in an organizations chart.
Connects a lab code to a larger organization charting process. Use a valid sub-division code as defined in an organizations chart.
The network path and file name for the logo file used on screen and report displays. Use a valid network path and file name. The file must be a GIF or JPG image approximately 100x125 pixels.
Defines the maximum number of 'Copy To' providers allowed per order. Use an integer from 0 to 10.
Login screen user defined field #1.
Login screen user defined field #2.
Login screen user defined field #3.
Login screen user defined field #4.
Login screen user defined field #5.
Automatically generates an MRN number on the patient data screen. Use Rhodes Group recommended value. Typical value: ALPHA4NUMBER4
Medical record number mask used to validate the MRN field on the order screen. Use “#” to represent numbers and “@” to represent alpha characters. Typical setting: @@@@####
Default value for the Outbound OE system interface. Use Rhodes Group recommended value.
Designed for use in TEST area. Multidimensional pipe delimited value. Use phone numbers, separated by pipes, to limit user’s choice of entry. Include leading and trailing pipes.
Populates the collection type drop-down on the patient collection location screen. Multidimensional pipe delimited value. Use valid collection type codes separated by pipes with leading and trailing pipes.
Number of days before a user password expires and must be reset. Use an integer.
Number of days back that the system will allow a user to create a new order. Use an integer. The collection date is evaluated and if the order is too old, a warning message will be displayed.
Default fee schedule code applied to Fast accessions labeled with a billto value of 'Patient/Guarantor'. Use valid fee schedule code.
Default fee schedule option applied to Fast accessions labeled with a billto value of 'Patient/Guarantor'. Use valid fee schedule option.
Populates the credit type drop-down on the payment screen. Multidimensional pipe delimited value. Use valid credit card type codes separated by pipes with leading and trailing pipes. IE: |AMEX|VISA|DINNERS|DEBIT|
The form code from FO_External_Form_Definition. ExternalFormCode that can be used to show a user customized SSRS-based payment receipt form.
Populates the payment type drop-down on the payment screen. Multidimensional pipe delimited value. Use valid payment type codes separated by pipes with leading and trailing pipes. IE: |CARD|CHECK|CASH|
Defines provider codes for which a freetext provider name is allowed. Multidimensional pipe delimited value. Use valid provider codes separated by pipes with leading and trailing pipes.
Default DOB. Enter DOB as MM/DD/YYYY format.
Populates the ethnicity drop-down on the patient demographics screen. Multidimensional pipe delimited value. Use valid ethnicity codes separated by pipes with leading and trailing pipes.
Populates the race drop-down on the patient demographics screen. Multidimensional pipe delimited value. Use valid race codes separated by pipes with leading and trailing pipes.
Default number of days to evaluate for recent activity. Use an integer. Used with RECENT PTS search option. Based on edit date not create date.
Defines the prefixes to remove from patient last name in patient matching rules. Storage of prefixes depends on permission. Multidimensional pipe delimited value. Use acceptable patient last name prefixes separated by pipes with leading and trailing pipes.
Defines the suffixes to remove from patient last name in patient matching rules. Storage of suffixes depends on permission. Multidimensional pipe delimited value. Use acceptable patient last name suffixes separated by pipes with leading and trailing pipes.
Defines the characters to exclude from the requisition ID value. Multidimensional COMMA delimited value. Use the characters, separated by commas, that should be excluded from the requisition ID value on the order screen.
Represents the minimum and maximum number of characters allowed in the requisition ID field on the order screen. Use an integer then a dash then an integer. Do not enter a value here if an edit mask is defined for the requisition ID field. IE: 10-15 If the value is "10-15", then an entry between 10 and 15 characters long is allowed.
Mask used to validate the requisition ID on the order screen. Use “#” to represent numbers and “@” to represent alpha characters. Typical setting: ######## This setting requires an 8 character numeric only entry.
Default value for the Outbound RE system interface. Use Rhodes Group recommended value.
URL to connect to a client-provided lab result portal. Use a valid URL. The URL may contain place holders for user name and password for the lab system. IE: HTTP:// /#USERNAME#/#PASSWORD#
Defines the user locations and their corresponding sales tax to be used for price calculations on the payments screen. Multidimensional pipe delimited value. Use valid user location code - sales tax percent pairs. Include a leading and trailing pipe. Each value in a pair is separated by a dash. IE: |USERLOC1-6.5|USERLOC2-6|
Bit flag to indicate if FAST should trigger a new order message before a cancel message when sending cancellation to LIS. This would only be true for orders that have not been previously sent to the LIS or have originated in LIS. The system will evaluate both of these conditions by checking to see if the IFTriggerUpdate field has been filled at the test level. 0 = do not trigger NW order before cancel 1 = trigger NW Order before sending cancel
Default number of days before a standing order expires and requires review. Use an integer. Used to calculate the number of days until standing order expiration. IE: 180
Default tech code for collection tech in the Specimen Presents mode. Use a valid tech code.
Interface code for Trusted Data Concentrator inbound interface. Code is used by FAST to write to trigger table and must match what is expected for interface to function.
Interface code for Trusted Data Concentrator outbound interface. Code is used by FAST to write to trigger table and must match what is expected for interface to function.
Excludes tests from certain departments from being evaluated for overlapping test codes if they are a battery. Multidimensional pipe delimited value. Use valid department codes separated by pipes with leading and trailing pipes. Used to order tests automatically when copy to physician is used on the order screen. IE: |BB|MC|CY|PATH| If this field is blank, the system will default to |MC|BB|CY| and will exclude those departments from test overlap/duplication logic.
Defines the test codes to exclude from the test overlap/duplication logic during order entry. Multidimensional pipe delimited value. Use valid battery test codes separated by pipes with leading and trailing pipes. Any battery test codes in this list will not be evaluated for test overlap.
Bit flag to indicate if FAST should trigger cancellation messages to the outbound CDC interface for orders where FO_Accessions.Origin equals ‘C’ or ‘T’. 0 = do not trigger cancellation messages to outbound CDC 1 = trigger cancellation messages to outbound CDC
Date sent to LIS when Unknown Collection box is checked. Enter collect date as MM/DD/YYYY format.
Time sent to LIS when Unknown Collection box is checked. Enter collect time as HH:MM 24-hour format.
Bit flag to indicate if client-driven order screen is default order screen. 0 = use original FAST order screen 1 = use client-driven order screen
Bit flag to indicate if FAST should enable FAST Interface Trigger Layer. Used in conjunction with FAST Interface Trigger Process Service. 0 = do not use trigger layer (FAST will continue to write to trigger table) 1 = use FAST Interface Trigger Layer and FAST Interface Trigger Process Service (started configured and separately) (New background service for creating application to interface subsystem triggers. When this is set the application writes general triggers for the background job to process in the table FO_IF_AppTrigger_Queue. The background job then creates the explicit table updates and the triggering to the FO_ID_Trigger table.)
Use 1 Do NOT not change without Rhodes Group approval.
Use 1 Do NOT not change without Rhodes Group approval.
Workflow methods used by the site. Populates the workflow method drop-down on the integrated search page. Multidimensional pipe delimited value. Use allowed values as shown below separated by pipes with leading and trailing pipes. Allowed values: PATIENT PRESENTS SPECIMEN PRESENTS INDUSTRIAL TOX
Defines the billto value for every order created by reference to this translation. Only applies to translation type I insurance for the first IN1 segment. This will override what was sent in message or default value for qualifier. Use a valid FAST billto value. See billto table for valid entries of longcode. This logic will be used only if the translation rules are activated to cause the system to translate the insurance code in the message. An IN1 segment must have at least an insurance code and a policy number to qualify as a valid segment. If it does not, no translation will be applied.
Value for this type in the external system.
Swaps the default Rhodes format for the SSRS form defined. Use a valid FPModule code to enable. Valid FPModule Code: BATCHPROCESS
Interface code for the Fast to RRE interface service. Use a valid interface code.
Value to translate to in FP. For type I insurance translations, if the FPValue is listed as "*DNU*", then the system will not record any insurances from that message. The system will still force the Bill To if the above field is valued. This is only honored for the primary insurance (first IN1) segment in a message.
Number of days in the future that the system will allow a user to create a new order. Use an integer. The collection date is evaluated and if the order is too far in the future, a warning message will be displayed.
Represents a number of seconds. Use an integer. If the collect date/time is in the future by more than this number of seconds, the accession is excluded from auto receive processes.
Represents a number of seconds. Use an integer. If the collect date/time is in the future by more than this number of seconds, no label is produced.
Interface code for this translation. The interface code is defined in the Comms and Processor jobs config files.
Default diagnosis code for orders placed while in ITOX workflow. Use valid diagnosis code.
Default provider code for orders placed while in ITOX workflow. Use valid provider code.
Represents the letters used in the lab accession generation when FP will pre-generate it and send it to the LIS. Multidimensional pipe delimited value. Use single capital letters separated by pipes with leading and trailing pipes. IE: |A|Q|Z|
Defines format for creation of lab accession values. Use Rhodes Group recommended value. IE: 1A,8N The format "1A,8N" generates lab accessions that are one alpha character followed by 8 numeric characters.
Address field on reports.
Second address field on reports.
Third address field on reports.
Fourth address field on reports.
Code value for this lab.
Name of lab director on reports.
Connects a lab code to a larger organization charting process. Use a valid division code as defined in an organizations chart.
Identity (counter) field
Laboratory name on the login screen and reports.
Connects a lab code to a larger organization charting process. Use a valid region code as defined in an organizations chart.
Connects a lab code to a larger organization charting process. Use a valid sub-division code as defined in an organizations chart.
The network path and file name for the logo file used on screen and report displays. Use a valid network path and file name. The file must be a GIF or JPG image approximately 100x125 pixels.
Defines the maximum number of 'Copy To' providers allowed per order. Use an integer from 0 to 10.
Login screen user defined field #1.
Login screen user defined field #2.
Login screen user defined field #3.
Login screen user defined field #4.
Login screen user defined field #5.
MPI qualifier code that accepts inbound messages.
MPI qualifier code.
Automatically generates an MRN number on the patient data screen. Use Rhodes Group recommended value. Typical value: ALPHA4NUMBER4
Medical record number mask used to validate the MRN field on the order screen. Use “#” to represent numbers and “@” to represent alpha characters. Typical setting: @@@@####
Default value for the Outbound OE system interface. Use Rhodes Group recommended value.
Designed for use in TEST area. Multidimensional pipe delimited value. Use phone numbers, separated by pipes, to limit user’s choice of entry. Include leading and trailing pipes.
Populates the collection type drop-down on the patient collection location screen. Multidimensional pipe delimited value. Use valid collection type codes separated by pipes with leading and trailing pipes.
Order control code used with SENDNA option.
Number of days before a user password expires and must be reset. Use an integer.
Number of days back that the system will allow a user to create a new order. Use an integer. The collection date is evaluated and if the order is too old, a warning message will be displayed.
Default fee schedule code applied to Fast accessions labeled with a billto value of 'Patient/Guarantor'. Use valid fee schedule code.
Default fee schedule option applied to Fast accessions labeled with a billto value of 'Patient/Guarantor'. Use valid fee schedule option.
Populates the credit type drop-down on the payment screen. Multidimensional pipe delimited value. Use valid credit card type codes separated by pipes with leading and trailing pipes. IE: |AMEX|VISA|DINNERS|DEBIT|
The form code from FO_External_Form_Definition. ExternalFormCode that can be used to show a user customized SSRS-based payment receipt form.
Populates the payment type drop-down on the payment screen. Multidimensional pipe delimited value. Use valid payment type codes separated by pipes with leading and trailing pipes. IE: |CARD|CHECK|CASH|
Determines which users can see a report based on permission group codes. Leave blank to make report available to all users. Multidimensional pipe delimited value. Use valid permission group codes separated by pipes with leading and trailing pipes.
Defines provider codes for which a freetext provider name is allowed. Multidimensional pipe delimited value. Use valid provider codes separated by pipes with leading and trailing pipes.
Default DOB. Enter DOB as MM/DD/YYYY format.
Populates the ethnicity drop-down on the patient demographics screen. Multidimensional pipe delimited value. Use valid ethnicity codes separated by pipes with leading and trailing pipes.
Populates the race drop-down on the patient demographics screen. Multidimensional pipe delimited value. Use valid race codes separated by pipes with leading and trailing pipes.
Default number of days to evaluate for recent activity. Use an integer. Used with RECENT PTS search option. Based on edit date not create date.
Defines the prefixes to remove from patient last name in patient matching rules. Storage of prefixes depends on permission. Multidimensional pipe delimited value. Use acceptable patient last name prefixes separated by pipes with leading and trailing pipes.
Defines the suffixes to remove from patient last name in patient matching rules. Storage of suffixes depends on permission. Multidimensional pipe delimited value. Use acceptable patient last name suffixes separated by pipes with leading and trailing pipes.
A short coded value that identifies the type of the report.
URL that launches the report in the SSRS server.
Defines the characters to exclude from the requisition ID value. Multidimensional COMMA delimited value. Use the characters, separated by commas, that should be excluded from the requisition ID value on the order screen.
Represents the minimum and maximum number of characters allowed in the requisition ID field on the order screen. Use an integer then a dash then an integer. Do not enter a value here if an edit mask is defined for the requisition ID field. IE: 10-15 If the value is "10-15", then an entry between 10 and 15 characters long is allowed.
Mask used to validate the requisition ID on the order screen. Use “#” to represent numbers and “@” to represent alpha characters. Typical setting: ######## This setting requires an 8 character numeric only entry.
Default value for the Outbound RE system interface. Use Rhodes Group recommended value.
URL to connect to a client-provided lab result portal. Use a valid URL. The URL may contain place holders for user name and password for the lab system. IE: HTTP:// /#USERNAME#/#PASSWORD#
Defines the user locations and their corresponding sales tax to be used for price calculations on the payments screen. Multidimensional pipe delimited value. Use valid user location code - sales tax percent pairs. Include a leading and trailing pipe. Each value in a pair is separated by a dash. IE: |USERLOC1-6.5|USERLOC2-6|
Bit field to determine if cancel order messages are sent on CDCOutbound. 0 = filter cancel order messages, do not send 1 = send cancel order messages
Bit field to determine if SN/NA messages are sent on CDCOutbound. 0 = filter SN/NA messages, do not send 1 = send SN/NA messages
Bit field to determine if order messages are sent on CDCOutbound. 0 = filter order messages, do not send 1 = send order messages
Bit flag to indicate if FAST should trigger a new order message before a cancel message when sending cancellation to LIS. This would only be true for orders that have not been previously sent to the LIS or have originated in LIS. The system will evaluate both of these conditions by checking to see if the IFTriggerUpdate field has been filled at the test level. 0 = do not trigger NW order before cancel 1 = trigger NW Order before sending cancel
Bit field to determine if receipt order messages are sent on CDCOutbound. 0 = filter receipt order messages, do not send 1 = send receipt order messages
Default number of days before a standing order expires and requires review. Use an integer. Used to calculate the number of days until standing order expiration. IE: 180
Default tech code for collection tech in the Specimen Presents mode. Use a valid tech code.
Interface code for Trusted Data Concentrator inbound interface. Code is used by FAST to write to trigger table and must match what is expected for interface to function.
Interface code for Trusted Data Concentrator outbound interface. Code is used by FAST to write to trigger table and must match what is expected for interface to function.
Excludes tests from certain departments from being evaluated for overlapping test codes if they are a battery. Multidimensional pipe delimited value. Use valid department codes separated by pipes with leading and trailing pipes. Used to order tests automatically when copy to physician is used on the order screen. IE: |BB|MC|CY|PATH| If this field is blank, the system will default to |MC|BB|CY| and will exclude those departments from test overlap/duplication logic.
Defines the test codes to exclude from the test overlap/duplication logic during order entry. Multidimensional pipe delimited value. Use valid battery test codes separated by pipes with leading and trailing pipes. Any battery test codes in this list will not be evaluated for test overlap.
Single character that represents a translation type. I = insurance P = provider C = client B = bill to T = test code L = patient location G = gender R = relationship value S = species PR = priority M = marital
Bit flag to indicate if FAST should trigger cancellation messages to the outbound CDC interface for orders where FO_Accessions.Origin equals ‘C’ or ‘T’. 0 = do not trigger cancellation messages to outbound CDC 1 = trigger cancellation messages to outbound CDC
Date sent to LIS when Unknown Collection box is checked. Enter collect date as MM/DD/YYYY format.
Time sent to LIS when Unknown Collection box is checked. Enter collect time as HH:MM 24-hour format.
Bit flag to indicate if client-driven order screen is default order screen. 0 = use original FAST order screen 1 = use client-driven order screen
Bit flag to indicate if FAST should enable FAST Interface Trigger Layer. Used in conjunction with FAST Interface Trigger Process Service. 0 = do not use trigger layer (FAST will continue to write to trigger table) 1 = use FAST Interface Trigger Layer and FAST Interface Trigger Process Service (started configured and separately) (New background service for creating application to interface subsystem triggers. When this is set the application writes general triggers for the background job to process in the table FO_IF_AppTrigger_Queue. The background job then creates the explicit table updates and the triggering to the FO_ID_Trigger table.)
Use 1 Do NOT not change without Rhodes Group approval.
Use 1 Do NOT not change without Rhodes Group approval.
Workflow methods used by the site. Populates the workflow method drop-down on the integrated search page. Multidimensional pipe delimited value. Use allowed values as shown below separated by pipes with leading and trailing pipes. Allowed values: PATIENT PRESENTS SPECIMEN PRESENTS INDUSTRIAL TOX