You are here: Functional Rules > Client Visit Rules

Client Visit Rules

This rule provides a way to turn on the CV#, client visit number, field on the order screen and on the client-driven order screen. (If an edit mask is assigned, does the CV# becomes a required field. ????)

This field relates to the concept of a foreign episode ID. The CV# field links an order to a foreign episode identifier or foreign account number, as provided by a lab client.

This field contains the billing or episode ID from an external system. (which ID and who/what chooses which ID???)

To activate this rule, to turn on the CV# field, you must:

An edit mask format may be assigned by using the FO_Clients.ClientVisitNumberMaskEdit mask for client visit number. Enter allowed edit mask characters. # = numeric character @ = Alpha character The client visit number entered on the order screen will be validated against the edit mask when the field is exited. If the entered value fails the mask, the value is not accepted and the user is prompted to reenter. A hint displays the format required for the field. field. The mask uses the FASTstandard mask characters of # for a number and @ for a letter.

The system will display the client visit number field on the order screen if a mask is assigned in the FO_Clients table.

On the Order Screen:

The client visit number field, CV#, is located on the order screen next to the account number.

On the Client-Driven Order Screen, PATIENT PRESENTS WFM:

The client visit number field, CV#, is located below the client patient ID, C Pt Id, field in the middle column of the top section on the client-driven order screen.

The CV# or external client visit number can be made a required field on a per MPI Qualifier basis by:

  • setting the FO_MPI_Qualifier.RequiresExternalEpisodeID field to 1.
  • and assigning the chkmpireqcv permission.

The ability to edit a CV# after it has been entered is controlled by the FO_MPI_Qualifier.DoNotAllowEditExternalEpisodeID field.

You may choose to not allow edits to the CV# to prevent any change to the value sent by the external system in order processing.


( The system will display the client visit number field on the order screen if a mask is assigned in the FO_Clients table.

This sounds like the field will display and be required if a mask is assigned, whether or not the clientvisitsee permission or the FO_Clients.ClientVisitNumberDefault client visit number, the clients external billing number, for an order. Rule executes when the client is selected for an order. field has a value. Is that true??

Does it really only mean that the field will be editable if there is a mask??

So if the permission is set does that mean that the field is visible and contains the value assigned by an external process, and the field cannot be edited??

Is a value assigned to the CV# by an external process and then this ‘rule’ allows

a. the user to see that value by ‘turning on’, displaying, the CV# field on the screen?

b. edit the externally-assigned CV# based on assignment of edit mask?

c. on the client-driven order screen make CV# a required field? [is CV# sometimes not filled in by an external process?]



See FO_Clients for more information about field definitions and allowed values.

See FO_MPI_Qualifier for more information about field definitions and allowed values.