Standing Orders Module Permissions
Permission |
Description |
so_view |
Activate SO Pending and Expired buttons. |
so_create |
Allow creation of new Standing Orders. |
so_review |
Activate SO Mark as Reviewed button. |
so_past |
Activate SO Past button. |
so_hist |
Activate SO History button. |
so_cancel |
Activate SO Cancel button. |
so_disc |
Activate SO Discontinue button. |
so_activate |
Activate SO Activate into Order button. |
soordertoolssee |
Activate the SO Tools button on the Acc History screen and toolbar. |
activateexpiredso |
Allow user to activate expired orders after warning message. |
clientprovsrchsosee |
Display the client and ordering provider search boxes on the SO Order Tool screen. |
socolldefault |
Default the collection date to the date and time of NOW when a standing order is activated. The collection tech field will be blank. |
socollblank |
Clear the collection date and time and tech code fields when a standing order is activated. |
sonostoreloc |
Do not store the patient location when creating a standing order, mandating that the user enter it when the order is activated. |
sodeleteorigin |
Delete the original manually created order that was used to create a standing order. This rule only applies at the time the user creates a standing order and it is assumed that the original order has not been exported to Host. |
soactivatenoepid |
Do not copy the Episode ID value from the standing order to the order resulting upon activation to force the user to create a new episode based on rules. |
so_ptmagsee |
Activate the Magnifier button to the right of the patient name on the standing order tool box screen. |
sokeepreqid |
Store and preserve the Req ID value entered on an order when an SO is created and activated. |
sokeepacct |
Store and preserve the account number value when an SO is created and activated. |
sokeeordfiller |
Store and preserve the acc_info level filler ID when an SO is created and activated. |
sokeeptestfiller |
Store and preserve the test-level FO_Accessions filler ID when an SO is created and activated. |
sokeepperflab |
Store and preserve the performing lab code when an SO is created and activated. |
socreatenew |
Activate the Create New SO button on the accession history screen. Allow SO order creation and scheduling in one screen flow. |
soincludeordcomms |
Include order action commas data (what is that??) when an SO is created and activated. |