Spec Archive Module Permissions
Permission |
Description |
srupdateperflabcode |
Update the performing lab code in the FO_Accessions and FO_Acc_Tubes tables when user performs a single specimen receipt. Value used on the screen will be used for the update. |
sarchview |
Turn on toolbar icon to allow access to the specimen archive screen and functionality. |
saadddelrack |
Activate buttons on the archive screen for defining new racks and deleting exiting rack definitions from the FO_Archive_Rack table. |
sadelrackitem |
Activate the Delete List Entry button on the specimen archive screen. Used to delete rack items from the search list. |
saclearrack |
Activate the Clear Rack button on the specimen archive screen. Used to delete the contents of whole racks. |
sacleardev |
Activate the Clear Device button on the specimen archive screen. Used to delete the contents of whole devices and all racks within them. |
sastoreentry |
Activate the Store Entries button on the specimen archive screen to store entries on the specimen archive screen. |
sastoreatscan |
Automatically store an accession on the specimen archive screen when the user exits the search accession field. Any changes to the rack entry after that will require an update process. |
sadefcontainer |
Default the container code on the specimen archive screen with the last container code used after the first entry is made. |
sadefspectype |
Default the specimen type on the specimen archive screen with the value from the last entry after the first entry is made. |
sacleardiscloc |
Activate a button and a text field on the specimen archive screen to delete rack items, by location ID, that have a discard date less than NOW. |