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Performing Lab Module Permissions





Allow the system to assign intended performing lab exceptions by primary insurance, client ID and test code.


Enable editing of the perflabcode field on the order screen test list.


Check to see if the client ID has changed in an order from when order was last saved and attempt to re-identify the performing lab.


Have system look for a user's user location group specific performing lab rules. System looks for rules for user location group when user logs in.


Bypass all other permissions and always check and calculate performing lab at the time of order entry and single specimen receipt. Bypass the insurance client's settings and assume |ALL|.


Check if the performing lab and Container ID are blank in the specimen receipt module and attempt to fill them with rules.


Do not assign a performing lab if an order is assigned future order status until the collection date is adjusted to eliminate future order status.


Clear the receipt date/time and tech fields in the order list (accessions table) of an order if the user changes the performing lab code field value for a test.


Clear the test receipt fields on the order screen when a user changes the perflabcode, for a test, if the performing lab does not equal the user performing lab or if the performing lab value is blank. Otherwise auto-receive the test.


Display and enable a list of performing labs defined for a particular test in the FO_Tests.TestPerfLabCodeList field, upon drop-down of test list performing lab field. Otherwise load in all performing labs from the FO_Perf_Lab table.


Display and enable a list of all performing labs in the FO_Perf_Lab table if no test specific performing lab(s) is found when permission useperflabtestlist is used.


Disable editing of the performing lab code field on the container management (tubes) screen. Disable editing even if the containermgmteditAllow edit of container management data. [Container_Management_Module] permission is used.


Disable editing of the performing lab field on the single specimen receipt screen.


Do not record the performing lab code during a test conflict adjudication on the order screen. Allow user to make changes and then have the system recalculate it.


Automatically calculate the performing lab for each test when an order for the CDC /TDC interface is first loaded. Applies to the client-driven order screen.