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Orders Module - Screen: Client Driven Permissions





Enable radio button for fasting option on original order screen or YES /NO drop-down on client-driven order screen. Display the fasting column at test level on the client-driven order screen.


Use the user’s default provider? code when a new order/accession is created on the client-driven order screen.


Use the user’s default client code when a new order/accession is created on the client-driven order screen.


Use the user’s default patient location code when a new order/accession is created on the client-driven order screen.


Limit the choice of clients for an order to those listed in the user assigned client code list in the FO_Users table. Applies to the client-driven order screen.


Clear the patient location fields when the client code has been changed. Applies to the client-driven order screen.


Disable editing of the client code after CIDs have been assigned. Applies to the client-driven order screen.


Disable editing of the provider code after CIDs have been assigned. Applies to the client-driven order screen.


Warn user that the order has conflicts, if any, but then proceed to automatically resolve the conflicts. Applies to the client-driven order screen.


Make the Received Containers field a required field on the client-driven order screen if the current workflow is Specimen Presents.


Activate the critical field override button on the client-driven order screen.


Disable editing of the priority at test level if a CID has already been assigned to the test. A warning is displayed and user is blocked from making a change. Applies to the client-driven order screen.


Check to see if the collection tech code is blank and default it to the value from FO_LabInfo.SpecimenPresentsDefTechCode. Applies to first opening of an electronic order or when first test is ordered on the client-driven order screen.


Expand the provider name width on the non-client-driven order screen provider drop-down list.


Override the client-driven order screen lab info setting if set to TRUE. In affect it will cause the user to see the original order screen.


Warn user that the Req ID field requires a value when the field is required and the user tries to exit the field on the client-driven order screen.


Default the Req ID field when a test is ordered on the client-driven order screen if the value is blank or a semicolon.


Default the patient location code on the client-driven order screen to the FO_Clients.defloccodeDefault location code for client. Used to map a location code if the FO_Client_Locs table does not map the client to any location. value if one exists and the patient location is blank. This will execute when the client is first entered or when the client is changed.


Warn user that the Req ID field requires a value when the MPI level flag is true, and the user tries to exit the field on the client-driven order screen. Cannot be used at the same time as reqdefaccwarn.


Clear the collection date/time when a CDC order is opened for the first time on the client-driven order screen. This rule may block automatic test adjudication if test conflicts occur in an electronic order.


Clear the collection date/time when a TDC order is opened for the first time on the client-driven order screen.


When tabbing out of the Client Pt ID field on the client-driven order screen, if the MPI contains an Episode ID, and the CVN field is blank and the Client Pt ID field is blank, the CVN will be filled with the MPI value. Permission autofillordcldptid is also required.


Override the use client-driven order screen setting if set to true and cause the provider-driven order screen to be used.


Override the use client-driven order screen setting and cause the client-driven order screen to be used.


Activate the Edit Order button on the client-driven order screen when the order view only mode is set. This will allow the user to reload the order in edit mode.


Activate the Split Test button on the client-driven order screen when the order is in view mode.


Remove the multicolor button on the client-driven order screen test list.


Check all tests ordered on the client-driven order screen when the Verify button is clicked to see if a workload is desired using the FO_Tests.AskUserForWorkLoadCode field. Warn user if any do not have it.


Check all tests ordered on the client-driven order screen when the Verify button is clicked to see if a workload entry is required using the FO_Tests.AskUserForWorkLoadCode field. Do not allow user to verify if any do not have it.


Present the order related message popup window when a client spot light flag is set and the window has not been shown to the user yet on the client-driven order screen, when the Verify button is clicked.