Container Management Module Permissions
Permission | Description |
containermgmtsee |
Display and enable Container Management button on the order screen. |
containermgmtedit |
Allow edit of container management data. |
containercodesee |
Display and enable the container code field and allow editing of each test on the order screen. |
specimencodesee |
Display and enable the specimen code field and allow editing of each test on the order screen. |
containerrequired |
Make container code a required field for each test on the order screen. |
defspeccodecontainer |
Default specimen type code to the definition in the FO_TestsXContainers table when a container code is selected from the drop-down list during a test order process. |
defcontainerbytest |
Default container code to the value stored in the FO_Tests table for the test code when a test is ordered on the order screen. |
validatecontainer |
Force validation of container code entry on order screen by checking to make sure the entry is in the table. Invalid entry is cleared. If this permission is not used, then user can type freetext container codes. |
containerlist |
Display and enable the container list field on the order screen. Allows user to define a container list to apply to any new tests ordered in an accession. |
autogencontlabel |
Automatically generate containers and print container labels when user clicks the Exit button on the order screen. |
assignlabacc |
Create a LabAcc LIS accession number according to maintenance rules when a Container ID is added to the test in the FO_Accessions table. |
makelabaccgrp |
Use the FO_Tests.LISAccgrpCode value to group tests to an LIS accession during container creation. |
modtubeaftersend |
Allow container modifications on container management screen even after the accession has been transmitted to the LIS. |
cmworkloadedit |
Allow edit of the workload field on the container management screen. |
addtestanyccode |
Check for valid container code for the test being added to a container manually on the container management screen. If not valid, addition of test will not be allowed. |
ordchkcid |
Check to see if container management was not performed before user exits a non-future order. If not performed, display instruction to click Tubes button on the order screen. |
cmapplydedcont |
Apply logic to create dedicated containers on the container management screen and prevent users from adding tests to them. |
continstrhide |
Do not display instructions field on the container management screen container list. |
blockeditcont |
Disable edit of container code and type fields in the test list grid on the order screen . |
cmworkloadhide |
Do not display the workload field on the container management screen. |
cmstoragehide |
Do not display the storage field on the container management screen. |
blockeditcontcm |
Disable edit of container code and type fields on the container management screen. |
cmshowcommoncont |
Show only the containers common to all the tests in a Container ID in the container field drop-down on the container management screen. |
orddecantprev |
Detect the presence of the word DECANT in the spot code field of any container, Container ID, in an accession and prevent the user from exiting the order. Display a warning to finish processing. |
modtubeaftertstsend |
Allow modification of containers on the container management (tubes) screen even after at least one of the tests in a container, Container ID, has been sent to the LIS. If modtubeaftersendAllow container modifications on container management screen even after the accession has been transmitted to the LIS. [Container_Management_Module] permission is used, then this permission may not be checked. |
cmuselgrpondrop |
Use the label group code assigned to a Container ID as part of the search, to limit the items displayed, when the container code drop-down field is used on the container management screen. |
cmblockcanccid |
Block cancel tests from creating Container IDs or being part of them by assigning them to the NO LABEL test label group. |