CS Tools - Client Maintenance Module - RRE Permissions
Permission |
Description |
clientsave |
Allow user to save changes to a client. |
clientaddresssee |
Display and Enable the Address tab. |
clientphoneandemailsee |
Display and Enable the Phone and Email tab. |
clientreportingsee |
Display and Enable the Reporting tab. |
provclientmaintsee |
Display and Enable the menu to launch Client Maintenance. |
clientprovidertabsee |
Display and Enable the Providers tab in the Client Maintenance module. |
clientmpitabsee |
Display and Enable the MPI tab in the Client Maintenance module. |
clienthistorytabsee |
Display and Enable the Client History Search tab in the Client Maintenance module. |
electricreportingtabsee |
Display and Enable the Electronic Reporting tab in the Client Maintenance module. |
clientodchybridtabsee |
Display and Enable the ODC Hybrid tab. |