Table Styles and CSS Overview
Following are examples and descriptions of CSS and Word Styles for Tables
For all the table styles below, these items are the same.
first header row title font is ::
Calibri, 13pt, Black, #000000 or R0, G0, B0
CSS/WORD style: p.tabletitlehdr
second header row title font is ::
Calibri, 12pt, #3F3F3F or R63, G63, B63
CSS/WORD style: p.tblcolhdrGeneric
alternate row background color is ::
#F9F9F9 or R249, G249, B249
table margins are ::
Left 0px, Right 0px, Top 20px, Bottom 30px
outer borders and separators ::
Solid, 1px, #DCDCDC or R220, G220, B2220
table cell font is ::
Calibri, 11pt, Black, #000000 or R0, G0, B0
CSS/WORD style: p.tablecell
table cell padding is :: 5px, all