OBR Segment
The HL7 map tables have traditionally used this yellow header.
Yellow as #FFF689 and alternating row as #F9F9F9 with font as #333333.
Configuration Options/ Database Fields |
HL7 Fields | Notes |
RRE_Accessions.IFfillerID |
OBR;2 |
RRE_Acc_Info.UniqueAcc, |
OBR;2 |
Sent as 'UniqueAcc_TestCode'. |
RRE_Accessions.LabAcc |
OBR;3 |
RRE_Tests.LOINCCode, |
OBR;4.1 |
If OBR;4.1 value has a LOINC code stored, the LOINC data will be sent in OBR;4.1, 4.2, and 4.7. If not, package code can be sent here if RRE_IF_Trigger_PH251.SendPackage is turned on and a package code is present. |
RRE_LOINCCode_Definition.Description, |
OBR;4.2 |
LOINC description is used when LOINC code sent in OBR;4.1. If not, package name can be sent here if RRE_IF_Trigger_PH251.SendPackage is turned on and a package code is present. |
N/A |
OBR;4.3 |
Defaults to 'LN' if LOINC sent in OBR;4.1. |
RRE_Accessions.Test_Code |
OBR;4.4 |
Package code can also be sent here if RRE_IF_Trigger_PH251.SendPackage is turned on and a package code is present. |
RRE_Accessions.Test_Name |
OBR;4.5 |
Package name can be sent here if RRE_IF_Trigger_PH251.SendPackage is turned on and a package code is present. |
N/A |
OBR;4.6 |
Defaults to 'L'. |
LOINCCodeVersionID |
OBR;4.7 |
Configuration option only used if LOINC used. |
RRE_Acc_Info.CollectionDateTime, |
OBR;7 |
PriorityTableForCollectionDateTime configuration option determines priority source and date includes local time offset. |
RRE_Accessions.CollectTech |
OBR;10 |
RRE_Acc_Info.OrderingCode |
OBR;16.1 |
RRE_Acc_Info.OrderingName |
OBR;16.2 – 16.4 |
RRE_Acc_Info.LastStatusChange |
OBR;22 |
RRE_Accessions.LISFinalFlag |
OBR;25 |
RRE_Dictionary.LOINC, |
OBR;26.1.1 |
If RRE_Results.TestCode = 'ORG' and one of its matching records in RRE_ResultsComments has a CommentCode defined in RRE_Dictionary where RRE_Dictionary.Type = 'ORGANISM', the parent data for these microbiology results are populated in all OBR;26 fields. LOINC is the primary source. |
RRE_Dictionary.Description, |
OBR;26.1.2 |
If LOINCFormula exists, both will be sent with a space between the two field values. |
N/A |
OBR;26.1.3 |
Defaults to 'LN' when LOINC used. |
Sequence of ZZ battery in RRE_Accessions.Test_Code |
OBR;26.2 |
Numeric part of battery code + 1 |
RRE_Dictionary.Description, |
OBR;26.3 |
The description is the primary source. |
RRE_Accessions.ICD, |
OBR;31.3 |
Coding method can be determined by data stored with the diagnosis code or by using the default in the configuration option. |
RRE_Provider.NPI, |
OBR;32.1 |
RRE_Accessions. |
RRE_Accessions.PrincipalInterpreter |
OBR;32.2 – 32.4 |
Sent as Last^First^Middle in components 2 – 4 of provider format. |
RRE_Provider.NPI, |
OBR;33.1 |
RRE_Accessions. |
RRE_Accessions.AssistantInterpreter |
OBR;33.2 – 33.4 |
Sent as Last^First^Middle in components 2 – 4 of provider format. |
RRE_Accessions.CompletedTechCode |
OBR;34.1 |
RRE_Accessions. |
OBR;34.2 – 34.4 |
RRE_Accessions.ScheduledDate |
OBR;36 |
Date includes local time offset. |
RRE_Accessions. |
OBR;44.1 |
RRE_Accessions. |
OBR;44.2 |