Demographics Layout 1


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NOTES from Meeting on Dec 19, 2019.


Sam – so, if I’m sitting on a mobile device, click on name, want to type the name, that field can get a little bit bigger? Is that possible?

Gina -- you want that for all inputs or just the demographics? I have to look that up but I will put that down as a request to investigate.

Sam – Again, I’m not stuck with this am just trying to see if you have a control or something.


Phones are not used much for demographics data entry.

Primary use of phone is to review demographics so prioritize on that use case.

How do we give user an easy way to review demographics?


NEVER display SSN, never again, not allowed in any state.

ALWAYS display an MRN

ALWAYS display an encounter number -- the episode ID, but not as demographics.

Sam -- Episode ID is the encounter number, that particular visit’s identifier. Each visit has its own ID.


Header -- change to minimize real estate

Name, DOB, MRN and one other field