Click here to see the demographics screen mockup.


Demographics - 12-19-19 Mtg

Edit each section by edit icon. And on each field is bigger field for fat fingers, as user goes, only fields user wants to edit. How does this work, tab or tap on field makes it bigger? Even on desktop? See more below.

Did NOT use +/- or More since clicking on Edit displays ALL fields for the section. (K -- This really only applies to Responsible Party and the Insurance sections. Seems other info is part of read-only view.)

[K - used 'Patient' Information header instead of Sam's 'Person' Information although they both sound odd.]


NOTES from Meeting on Dec 19, 2019.

Sam – so, if I’m sitting on a mobile device, click on name, want to type the name, that field can get a little bit bigger? Is that possible?

Gina -- you want that for all inputs or just the demographics? I have to look that up but I will put that down as a request to investigate.

Sam – Again, I’m not stuck with this am just trying to see if you have a control or something.


Phones (as devices) are not used much for demographics data entry.

Primary use of phone is to review demographics so prioritize on that use case.


NEVER display SSN, never again, not allowed in any state.

ALWAYS display an MRN.


ALWAYS display an encounter number -- the episode ID, but NOT as demographics.

Sam -- Episode ID is the encounter number, that particular visit’s identifier. Each visit has its own ID.


AKA field. Probably need to add a field on the MPI table for it. Please make a note of that.


Revisions to Demographics Screen

  1. Remove Banner Header from Demographics Screen.
  2. New Patient is a menu command. See Menu.

  3. Make a simple display, re phone screen use case, since phones mostly used to review patient demographics.
  4. In edit mode, the field label is a control where have a field name/label and when the user starts typing, it disappears. Different from current where field label is above the typing area and remains visible.
  5. K - added the anchor links at top of page, may be useful on phone to jump to section rather than scroll. Except for the Edit ALL (button), these were NOT required by Sam.
  6. >>> per Scott and Foster, this calls for more discussion with Sam. This item ON HOLD.
    Now, per Sam, just show them our MPI patient data. When they edit the demographics, the MPI will take care of it. (Currently, in portal, the MPI demographics are displayed in the header and the client's patient demographics are displayed on the screen details.)
  7. The AKA field. Probably need to add a field on the MPI table for it. Please make a note of that. That can be the client entry.
  8. Keep the SSN but don’t show it. Allow them to enter it but don’t show to them if it exists. Mask by showing the 1st char and then last 2 characters. If client can't see it, can't edit it to make correction. Is that a problem?

  9. Sam –will need a permission to turn SSN off completely, I think we might have a permission already.
    [K -- looked for a perm. Couldn't find one, does anybody know which permission this is OR does a new one need to be created.]
    Default presentation to mask SSN is to do 1st and last 2 char of SSN.

  10. Sam -- Facility Information - locate that above all other Info.
  11. Remove Client Account field from demographics screen (Facility Info), show the MRNs only.
  12. Sam -- change 'Personal' Information to 'Person' Information, because personal sounds odd.
    [ K - I used 'Patient' Information header instead of Sam's 'Person' Information although they both sound odd. ]
  13. Sam -- So lets just do this (for the read-only view). Condensed view (at 43:00rec)
    Code & Insurance name on one line.
    Policy & Group on second line.
    Insured name on third line and leave it at that.
    So 3 lines for each insurance
  14. On desktop, left side personal info, right side has address & related info.
    Then underneath that is, on the left, guarantor info and on the right is all 3 insurances, one after the other. (3 lines each).
  15. In each group: person, address, guarantor, each insurance – have a visual edit button thing for section info, and a whole page edit button.
    For example, if click on first insurance edit button, takes me to the 1st field of the insurance 1, can scroll up and down to see the rest of the fields.
    The edit button produces that section on the existing demographic screen.
  16. Whole page Edit button produces what we have right now in sfportal.
  17. Sam – want another insurance field === Last Eligibility Check Date (last time was eligibility checked, if we checked and when), label is Eligibility Date. Show only on edit.
    The field value is automatically set by the system when an eligibility check is done. The field cannot be entered or edited by the user.
    This date fields is needed on all three insurances: primary, secondary, and tertiary.


Next TODO for Requirements

@1330 @59:45rec

Sam – good for demographics

This new edit thing carry across to the orders screen also, in a different form.

We need like a history presentation on orders, then edit. Then need a Create an Order screen.

Kind of like have that now, but need to expand that some.

Creation of order similar to now but want to improve things like SO and order review screen, the ability to recover an SO that didn’t actually get collected, stuff like that.


Sam – mock up this (demographics), finish, then orders or results .

OK can write code, then change


Sam – b4 start coding other stuff, should work on rules & processing for auditing so build auditing along with this.


NEXT TODO – auditing tools / library